THE cries of the people of Solomon Islands have been heard when the much awaited Anti-Corruption Bill (ACB) 2017 was passed after its third reading in the parliament, Wednesday. The bill came under very heavy scrutiny for three days from both sides of the house, including the members of the Independent side. Prime minister Rick…

Call to post forestry officer in Renbel

THE Renbel provincial government must immediately request the Ministry of Forestry to post a forestry officer to the province. A local citizen and elder of West Rennell, Jimmy Puia, expressed his desire about the urgency to have a forestry officer posted at the province. “In the light of Bintan Mining operation expanding to other wards…

East road in bad state

THE current bad state of the east road in Malaita province has deprived the normal transport services for the people of east Malaita. This has caused transport difficulties experienced by farmers and the traveling public to and from the eastern region of Malaita. An east Malaita man, Jerry Simiga, has expressed the deteriorating condition of…

By-laws to govern strata development

MINISTER of Lands, Housing and Survey, Andrew Manepora, says every strata development will be governed by its own by-laws, which will regulate how the complex will be managed. Speaking during the second reading of the Bill in Parliament, Tuesday, Manepora said the strata lot owners will together agree to these by laws and will elect…

Sikua’s trial continues Wednesday

The Crown’s case on the trial of the former permanent secretary for the Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services, Edmond Sikua, is nearing completion. Prosecution is now calling its 12th witness, leaving only three more witnesses to be called before closing their case. This was after they reduced the number of witnesses from…


The Government’s solidarity is in question over its lack of number to push the Anti-Corruption Bill (ACB) 2017 forward without much resistance. This came after Deputy Speaker, David Dei Pacha, has adjourned the continuation of the Committee of Supply in Parliament on Tuesday afternoon due to lack of quorum. Its not the first time the…

Environmental concern following oil spill

An expatriate kayaking offshore in North West Guadalcanal over the weekend raises environmental concern, after he witnessed extensive oil spilled on the seawater surface between Kakabona and Boneghe beach. The forestry expert suspected that the source of “illegal pollution” must have come from a barge floating some distance away from a log pond on the…

HBA raises $12k for hospital

Honiara Band Association (HBA) have raised SBD$12,132 during a live concert in aid of the National Referral Hospital (NRH) at Rove Police ground, West Honiara on Sunday. About 26 bands, including dancing groups in Honiara performed live on the stage, that attracted families, friends and children to enjoy and spend for a good course. The…

EU envoy farewelled

Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination (MDPAC) has farewelled European Union (EU) Ambassador Leonidas Tezapsidis in Honiara, Monday. Minister, Jeremiah Manele, at the farewell reception acknowledged EU for its contribution in political dialogues, fisheries, rural development and water and sanitation projects since 2014. Some of the achievements, Manele, mentioned were the political dialogue in…