More police officers retired

A TOTAL of 28 members of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (PSIPF) were farewelled yesterday after reaching their retirement age of 55. The farewelled ceremony took place at the Rove Police headquarters. Speaking to the media, Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast acknowledged the officers for their hard work during their time with the force. “I…

Gov’t House condemns vandalism on property

The Government House has condemned people who have vandalized security lights at the entrance to the Governor General’s residence as disrespectful with no care attitude. The incident happened early morning yesterday between 1am and 3am. This is actually the second time it has happened; the first time they damaged only one security light. A spokesman…

Councillors briefed on Parliamentary procedures

Honiara City Councillors can now be familiar with the Parliamentary Procedures and how to conduct effective meetings. This was after an induction was conducted yesterday for the full council. Some of the Parliamentary procedures discussed were the standing orders, how to debate motions, conduct of meetings and other important procedures and standing committee’s functions. The…

Rini fails the people of Malaita: Lusibaea

FINANCE Minister Snyder Rini has failed the people of Malaita Province, North Malaita MP Jimmy Lusibaea claimed. This is because the current budgetary allocations in the 2015 Appropriation Bill 2015 does not specify the two anticipated development sites identified in Malaita Province namely Bina habour and Suafa bay proposed development in the south and north…

Grand scale theft

Man faces up to 65 criminal charges for stealing money A FORMER Correctional Service officer accused of stealing more than $100,000 from another man is facing up to 65 criminal charges. Don LisiTalu, 35, of Isabel Province is currently facing 13 charges in relation to uttering, personating in general, uttering and forgery. Police Prosecutor Abel…

Boso trial sets for five days

THE permanent secretary for the Ministry of Rural Development will stand trial in the Honiara Magistrates’ Court starting on 11 May. Selina Boso will be tried in a five-day hearing before the Chief Magistrate Emmanuel Kouhota. This is for the charge of one count of failure to furnish information or failure to produce document as…

Brothers face reduced charge of manslaughter

TWO brothers accused of killing a man at Papaho, Mbokonavera 4 Heights in Honiara, in early February will today take their pleas to the reduced charge of manslaughter. Police earlier charged William Ausolo Babasi and his younger brother Kevin Susui Babasi with the murder of Ronald Tonowane. Prosecution however, reduced the murder charge to that…