Folobaeko’s new learning center now opens

Kindy children and adults in villages surrounding Folobaeko in West Kwara’ae, Malaita province now have access to pre and post school learning, after a new learning center was opened in April this year. The community of Folobaeko gathered themselves and built this new school with bush materials with the help of men women and children.…

Renbel to celebrate second appointed day

Renbel province will celebrate of its second appointed day tomorrow. This was despite the resignation of three ministers and one back bencher from the current provincial government led by premier Lence Tango. The celebration will be held at Batonu playing ground in Belona Island for the first time. Acting Prime Minister who is also the…

Our Telekom applauds rural leaders

Our Telekom has commended rural Malaita provincial leaders for accepting the company to install more towers in their areas. The company’s public relations officer Lawrence Nodua said this as the company will kick off its launching program in the province starting today. About 13 new towers will be launched in the coming days and weeks…

Sogavare welcomes appointment of new police chief

The former Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare says he supports the appointment of an Australian as his country’s new Police Commissioner. Frank Prendergast is the new commissioner after a brief period when a Solomon Islands national held the role. The last Australian to serve as commissioner, Shane Castles, was controversially dismissed in 2007 and…

Solomons to push for Rodgers

Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Gordon Darcy Lilo, will lead a seven person delegation to this week’s Pacific Islands Forum Leaders summit in Palau to push for Jimmie Rodgers to become the new secretary general of the body. Dr Rodgers until earlier this year held a similar position at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC).…

Forum meeting starts tomorrow

More than 300 delegates including leaders, ministers and senior government officials from Forum Member countries, associate members and observers and development partners of the Forum, as well as representatives of the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific (CROP) and the media, are in Koror, Palau to attend the 45th Pacific Islands Forum and related…

Median training for election coverage

Media association of Solomon Islands (MASI) over the weekend kick off with its media training in preparation for the upcoming national general election. Ben McNair, a media trainer and Ms Josephine Teakeni a MASI member led out in the training. Members from all the mainstream media organisations in the country attended the training. It was…

PM opens office in Cuba

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has officially opened Solomon Islands Embassy in Cuba in a landmark event in Havana. The event described by Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, Rodrigo Malmierca Diaz as “historic” saw the opening of the first Pacific Islands mission in Havana. “We are indeed pleased to be the first…