Police chief defends decision

POLICE Commissioner Frank Prendergast has confirmed he has reinstated a senior officer facing drink driving charges, and whose case is yet to be determined in court. But Mr Prendergast dismissed accusations he listened to wrong advice when he made that decision. This was in relation to Sergeant Edwin Sevoa of the Police Response Team (PRT),…

Election fever causing many divisions

WITH the National General Elections drawing ever closer, its fever is also heating up, causing much hype amongst all registered voters, however also causing divisions amongst families, tribes and communities as a whole. Concerns have been raised if campaigning or the Elections in general are informative, educational or just another means of breaking down relationships…

Pr Oikane launches mini campaign

KADERE Party Candidate for West Kwara’ae, Pr Clement Oikane has launched his campaign over the weekend. Before a jam packed audience in Kakara village, Pr Oikane highlighted his visions of a better and united West Kwara’ae Constituency. “It is important that as one people, we stand together in ensuring that we are united for the…

Supporters deny claims against former MPs

SUPPORTERS of certain former Members of Parliament (MP) denied reports of their candidates being chased or banned from campaigning in certain communities. Reginald Maemae, a campaign manager for former MP for Ulawa Ugi, said reports about James Tora being chased was fabricated to discredit Mr Tora who has about half the support of registered voters…

More candidates contest as independent

Most candidates will contest the upcoming election on November 19 as independent candidates. This made Solomon Islands Democratic Party’s (SIDP) legal counsel, Gabriel Suri to question the registration process to form Political Party as stipulated under the Political Parties Integrity Act in High Court on Monday. Under the Act, one of the requirements is for…

HCC receives support from Japan

The Embassy of Japan in Honiara on Tuesday handover a total of US$85,748 (SBD$635,392.68) to the Honiara City Council (HCC) for the construction of a new Ranadi landfill administration and training centre. The proposal was submitted to Japan Embassy March this year. The handing over of the cheque was conducted by Ambassador of Japan in…

GBT4C: We need women in Parliament

WE need women in Parliament. This was the message highlighted by Election awareness group, the Gao/Bugotu Team 4 Change during their two-week visit to Gao/Bugotu Constituency in Isabel Province. Team leader Ender Fafoi Rence said during the two week tour, the team stressed the importance of having women in Parliament, adding that such would be…