9 diagnosed with covid-19

Nine people were diagnosed with Covid-19 case during their post arrival test since the reopening of the international borders and implementation of ‘No mandatory quarantine policy.’ This has prompted Prime Minister Sogavare to reinforce his call to be vigilant in managing all those tested positive to remain at home for period of seven days. “Fellow…

Japan assist Tumurora School

THE government of Japan has provided a funds worth of US$75,386 to Tumurora Primary School for construction of their classroom building through its Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP). H.E. Mr. MIWA Yoshiaki, Ambassador of the Embassy of Japan, handed over a new classroom building to Mr BEN Tom, Chairman, Tumurora Primary School,…


THERE will be no issuing of voter identification cards (ID) in the upcoming by-elections and the National General Election, it was revealed. Solomon Islands Electoral Office (SIEO) took the decision after realizing that elections can be held perfectly without the voters ID. Issuing of voter ID started back in 2014 and continued in the previous…