Eateries must have rest rooms

HONIARA city council (HCC) has been urged to review and ensure that all eateries, cafe or kai-bars in town have toilets or rest rooms for public use. A citizen John Regis raised the issue following concerns that it is becoming inconvenient for customers who need this service in public eateries. Mr Regis said the council…

SINU prepares for their open day

Solomon Islands National University (SINU) is currently gearing up for its annual open day this week. The event will be held on Thursday and both students and staff have been preparing themselves for this upcoming event over past weeks. The event will be staged at the Kukum campus soccer field under the theme, ‘Pathway to…

Unhygienic food outlets worrying

THE poor and unhygienic condition of food outlets in the city continue to pose health risks to customers and raises serious concerns for urgent intervention. Honiara city council (HCC) when asked about the poor and unhygienic issues of most food providers said the environmental health division within council has been undergoing health inspections on these…

Food outlets warned

FOOD outlets in Honiara have been warned to provide safe, healthy and hygienic services to the general public. Chief environmental health inspector of Honiara city council (HCC) has called on food outlets in town to put public health and safety paramount in their daily service deliveries. George Titiulu said kai-bars, cafe, restaurants and any food…

Govt to inform Renbel people about suspension

Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening will this week travel to Rennell and Bellona Islands to officially inform the people about the suspension of the Renbel Provincial Government. The Renbel government was suspended recently over non-resolved political impasse. Under Secretary of Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening (MPGS) and Provincial Secretary (PS) for…

More containers of tubi seized

More than sixty containers of tubi round logs have been held again by customs after a High Court injunction last month. The containers belong to Southern Pacific Woods Trading Company (SPWTC). The same company the commissioner of forests order a seizure of its fifty containers in late July and put an order of sale since…

Youths told to engage in program

YOUTHS of Veravaolu in Northwest Guadalcanal are being told to work in collaboration with Save the Children for the implementation of the youth program. Morris Taovia community leader of Leosa village highlighted this during the signing of memorandum of understanding with Save the Children last Thursday. Mr Taovia said it is important for young people…