Centre to prioritize gender equality

ADAKOA rural training centre in east Kwara’ae, Malaita province will prioritize gender equality on students enrolled this year. School Principal David Leliana told the Solomon Star that over the past years, number of girls enrolled at the centre was very low. “We have enrolled more males than females here but from this year and onwards,…

Minister assures students

Minister of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) John Moffatt Fugui assures students pursuing scholarship at the National Training Unit (NTU) office that they will all receive the opportunity to study abroad. He revealed this on Monday afternoon after a short visit to the ministry’s Panatina office in East Honiara. As usual the NTU office…

Diarrhoea awareness carried out

AN emergency diarrhoea awareness was conducted in the Busurata area within the highlands in Central Kwara’ae, Malaita province. During the visitation to Busurata clinic, nurse in-charge Mrs Margaret Sonie said, they have recorded 21 cases and have treated them during the month of January 2016. She said, no severe and death cases were reported. Mrs…

PS: NRH security a concern

Health Permanent Secretary Dr Tenneth Dalipanda says the recent stabbing of a nurse at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) is a concern and serious security risk for the health workers.  “This is a serious matter of concern that needs urgent solution,” said Dr Dalipanda. The Permanent Secretary was responding to a media comment made by…

Caucus Chair calls for improved interaction between executives and Gov’t

The Chairman of the Government Caucus, Jackson Fiulaua, the MP for Central Kwara’ae in Malaita Province, has called for improved interaction between Government MPs, Executives and Presidents of Political Parties in the Democratic Coalition for Change Government. He said leaders of these groups must cooperate in the efforts to ascertaining the current coalition government’s development…