COVID hotspots surge in the city

Health authorities have identified 13 additional COVID hotspots within Honiara city since Tuesday this week, taking the total to 38 hotspots. Health and Medical Services Minister Dr Culwick Togamana announced this today and urged residents in these areas to limit their movement and interaction in order to reduce chances of getting infected. The 13 areas…

Why some people are refusing the vaccine

THE two key reasons why people in rural communities in Western Province refused the COVID-19 vaccination are religion and weather. This was the statement of a Helena Goldie Hospital Vaccination Team representative Zonnie Raymond. Mr Raymond told Solomon Star today (Thursday 27th January) that there are church leaders who preached to their congregation against taking…

Malaita issues control measures

In the light of Covid-19 community transmission in Auki, Malaita Province, the Malaita Provincial Government (MPG) has come up with procedures to adhere to prevent the spread of covid-19 community transmission. In an extraordinary meeting held on Monday this week, the MARA executive has come up with six control measures to comply with to allow…


THE People’s Republic of China (PRC)has delivered on its pledge to provide “urgent Anti-COVID Assistance” to Solomon Islands to help the Government contain the rapid spread of the virus. A Chinese Government cargo transporter touched down at Honiara’s Henderson International Airport shortly after midday on Wednesday delivering Beijing’s assistance, which include: 50,000 doses of SinoPharm…


THE newly-elected Premier of Rennell Bellona Province, Japhet Tuhaika Tuhanuku, said his provincial executive supports the coronavirus protocols, including lockdown put in place by the National Government. Premier Tuhanuku said the decision was collectively confirmed by the Provincial Executive during its extra-ordinary meeting in Honiara, on Tuesday, 25 January 2022. “The Provincial Executive is aware…