Rini proposes reform on NPF

MINISTER of Finance and Treasury, Snyder Rini, plans to bring a bill to protect the functions and operations of Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (NPF) and consider some pre-retirement options. Mr Rini revealed this during the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Fund at SMI compound, west Honiara, yesterday. He said this is due to its…

Chan ill-advised, say UDP MPs

MPs of the United Democratic Party (UDP) say their president Sir Thomas Chan was wrongly advised when he revoked Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare’s membership. Sir Thomas sacked Mr Sogavare from the party Wednesday this week. But UDP MPs, who are part of the DCC coalition, said the sacking was illegal. In a statement issued on…

Increase of road humps

TRANSPORT owners from northwest Guadalcanal are calling on authorities to clarify whether construction of road humps are legal. They say along the road through Kakabona, west of Honiara, villagers are constructing road humps almost everywhere. “We want authorities to explain whether this is legal or not,” one transport owner said. “From what we understand, if…

3 years for arsonist

A MAN who burnt down the Mbabanakira police post in Weathercoast, Guadalcanal in 2013, has been sentenced to three years imprisonment on Friday at the Honiara Magistrate’s Court. Principal Magistrate Jim Seuika also ordered 653 days, which is about two years that Misilisi Puahas spent in custody to be deducted from the three years imprisonment.…

Men urged to respect women

MEN are urged to respect the human rights and integrity of women. President of Solomon Islands National Council of Women (SINCW) Ella Kauhue made the appeal following the discovery of the bodies of a couple at their Mbuburu/Lengakiki home, Monday. Police are investigating the case. But initial findings suggest the husband may have murdered his…

Bail bid for alleged bank robbers

THE court will be hearing bail applications next week for the men accused of robbing the Bank of South Pacific (BSP) in Auki, Malaita Province, last year. Patrick Talo, John Kiki, Peter Eto Kafa, Solomon Wadily and Nelson Ausolo appeared in the Honiara Magistrate’s Court and case was further adjourned to Monday. The bail was…

He’s still PM

Sogavare enjoys coalition support despite sacking HE may have been sacked by his political party, but Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare still enjoys the support of coalition members. And he remains optimistic to keep his job until his four-year term lapses. “Government Caucus has maintained its strong support for the leadership of Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare,”…

Demolition exercise to continue

Honiara City Council (HCC) will continue with its demolition exercise after its crackdown on illegal market venders at the Kon Street behind the Anthony Saru building on Tuesday. HCC Clerk Charles Kelly said that their clean-up campaign in collaboration with the Prime Ministers Office (PMO) will continue. “HCC is working closely with the PMO in…