Marine disaster looms for Namuga

THE marine ecological system in Star Harbour will be highly polluted and destroyed if nothing is done to remove the sunken MV Takana from Namuga in East Makira last week. The $3 million dollar un-seaworthy ship was laid to rest in the once beautiful Star Harbour. MV Takana a scrap metal look alike ship was…


THE Government and Solomon Forest Association (SFA) jointly funded the controversial government trip to China. That’s according to Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. He was responding to questions raised over the trip and who funded it. Two ministers and a government back-bencher, plus officials from the Ministry of Forestry and Finance were on the trip. Solomon…

Building road humps is illegal: Varley

BUILDING or putting humps along the road to slow down traffic is unlawful, says Police Commissioner Mathew Varley. Varley clarified the issue when asked following the increase of the practice in and outside of the Honiara city boundary. Just last week, complaints were raised by drivers and vehicle owners on a number of humps being…


For Tasiboko ward, North East Guadalcanal BY BRYAN LUVENA Rose Tala has created history by being the first woman Member for Provincial Assembly (MPA) for Tasiboko ward in North East Guadalcanal. The form three leaver was elected into power during last week’s Guadalcanal Provincial Election. She was the only woman candidate to contest the ward…

Alleged con man refused bail 

THE court has on Friday refused bail for a man accused of obtaining a total of $10,000 from five Solomon Islands National University (SINU) students under false pretences. Deputy Chief Magistrate Ricky Iomea said he had doubts Junior Wane will observe bail if he is released on bail. This was after he considered the sworn statement…

Ramohia unseated

FORMER Malaita Provincial Premier Peter Ramohia has lost his Ward 24 seat after being voted out during Wednesday’s Provincial election. The election has seen new comer Peter Taraumae a former Malaria senior officer in Malaita province being elected as the new member for the Ward in the west Are Are constituency.  Mr Taraumae polled 847…

Ririana pleads guilty 

THE driver of the car that crashed and killed a 15 year-old pedestrian near the Honiara City Council (HCC) roundabout last year had confesses to the offences, Friday. Veslyn Ririana pleaded guilty to one count of causing death by reckless or dangerous driving and presence of alcohol in a person’s blood. Two other charges she…


Gov’t to limit round log exports THE government is in a move to reduce the round log export in the next 4 years to a sustainable rate, says Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. He stated this when highlighting the importance of the trip by Government officials to China, which is to do a timber trade survey.…

Submarine on emergency stop over

THE Submarine that surfaced in the water between Honiara and Ngella was here for an emergency stop over. It was a Royal Australian Navy submarine transiting the Pacific seas. This was clarified by the Australian High Commissioner’s office in Honiara, late on Friday. Prior to that, the sudden appearance of the submarine shocked residents in…

THL, K-water back schools close to project site

The Tina Hydropower Limited (THL) and Korea Water Resources Corporation last Wednesday on 5 June presented medical, educational and sport materials to four schools situated within the Tina River hydro-power project site. The lucky recipients included Rate primary and community high school (RPCHS), Vuramali Kindy school, Anva kindy and primary and Areatakiki kindy and primary…