Police Election operation swings

POLICE’s full scale operation ahead of next week’s National General Election is now in full swing. Police Commissioner, Frank Prendergast said they will maintain a high visibility presence not only within Honiara but also in the provinces. He added that with the high visibility presence, Police will also upgrade its traffic checks both day and…

Death of Novice treated as homicide

POLICE are treating the shocking death of a Novice (trainee Tasiu or Melanesian Brother) who was allegedly attacked and killed at the end of last month (October) in Guadalcanal as a homicide. Police Commissioner, Frank Prendergast said that despite no arrests yet been made, a full scale Police investigation is continuing and making good progress.…

SIEC Opens Voter Information Kiosk

In another first for Solomon Islands, the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission has today opened a new Voter Information Kiosk. Voters who have questions about what to do on Election Day can get help from the SIEC by visiting the Voter information Kiosk, located on the ground floor of the Honiara City Council building on the…

Unlawful incidences get Auki police focus

AUKI POLICE are focusing more on election related activities amidst the tense environment fueled by hard-hitting political campaigning. Provincial Police Commander Alfred Uiga said some unwanted incidents has happened therefore, his officers will put more effort and resources into election policing operations. “My office has received a number of complaints in relation to unwanted disturbances…

Ruling on Party Act, Friday

CHIEF Justice Sir Albert Palmer will make his ruling on the case challenging the constitutionality of the Political Parties Integrity Act (PPIA) at 2pm today, inside court room 1. This came after he adjourned his ruling on Thursday, with no reasons given for the adjournment. The ruling is to see whether the constitutional guarantee to…

PPF officers arrive in Auki

PARTICIPATING Police Force (PPF) officers to assist in the forthcoming National General Election next week have arrived in Auki, Malaita Province. The Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Alfred Uiga confirmed this to the paper on Thursday. He said that about four PPF officers are now in Auki adding more are coming in the remaining days before…

More officers deployed to provinces

THE Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has started its deployment of additional officers to the Provinces ahead of next week’s National General Elections. Police Commissioner, Frank Prendergast said that this is part of the Election Operation Police is staging which has already been in full swing. “The intension of sending additional officers to the…

Logging row turns nasty

Victim speaks of how his hand was sliced at crowded food bar IT was a daylight senseless criminal act. A prominent chief and tribal leader from Rennell arrived last Saturday in Honiara from his home village and landed in hospital the same day. His arm was sliced with a sharp knife when he was having…