Investigations into Mbike shooting is still active   POLICE Chief Mostyn Mangau says the investigation into the 2014 shooting at Mbike Island, Gela in Central Province just a few hours before the election of the prime minister in 2014 is still continuing. Mangau said this when asked if the investigation into this matter is still…

Greenlight for border outpost development

The FAMOA TrustBoard in the Shortland Islands has given the green light for the development of the country’s Border Outpost project following a successful dialogue with the national government this week. A team from the Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services led by Permanent Secretary Ms. Karen Galokale and the Prime Minister’s Office…

Mangau: RSIPF a professional organisation

THE Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is a professional organisation, Commissioner Mostyn Mangau says. He was responding to a report published by the Solomon Star newspaper on Thursday, suggesting that a “network of thieves” within the RSIPF could be linked to the $300, 000-plus missing from police custody since last October. But Commissioner Mangau…

Cyclone Lucas records ‘no death’

TROPICAL Cyclone Lucas that hits the country early this month has recorded no deaths in the country. This was revealed by the Director of the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), Loti Yates during a media conference on Thursday at the NDMO office. “Currently we do not receive any report of death caused by cyclone Lucas,” he…

Beetle invasion probed

THE alleged Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (Oryctes Rhinoceros) attack on Noni plants at Baunasaitonga Noni Farm in East Guadalcanal is now under investigation.  Officers of the Biosecurity Solomon Islands (BSI) within the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) are conducting the investigation, a statement from MAL Media Unit said.  Following reports of the incursion, BSI Surveillance…

Alleged rape accused, 75 freed

THE High Court has acquitted an elderly man who stood trial for allegedly having unlawful sexual intercourse with his 11-year-old grand-niece because she was an “unreliable witness.” The High Court delivered the verdict in Honiara last Monday.  It found the complainant to be “an unreliable witness due to the contradictory and inconsistencies in her evidence…

ESP committee warns: beware of con artists 

It has come to the attention of the Economic Stimulus Package Committee that certain individuals and/or groups are currently going around and claimed they work for the Government and took responsibility to facilitate ESP applications. This week, the committee had received complaints from several persons who have spent thousands of dollars on certain individuals who…

PM to grace Choiseul’s big day

A TOP government delegation led by Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare will travel to Taro, Choiseul Province next Tuesday to attend the province’s 2nd Appointed Day. As part of PM’s program, Mr. Sogavare will also be visiting the Taro Hospital, a statement by Prime Minister Press Secretariat said. According to the program schedule, on Wednesday 24th,…