Students to join education conference

A total of 38 students will be participating at the Vaka Pasifiki Education conference next week in Honiara, thanks to the support of a local industry. A statement yesterday said that 20 education students from Solomon Islands National University (SINU) are being given partial scholarships by a local company, Pasifiki Services Limited (PSL) towards the…

PM applauds Bar Association participation

Solomon Islands Bar Association has been acknowledged for its thorough and complete review of the 2nd 2014 Draft Federal Constitution of Solomon Islands, which ended on Friday 24 June 2016. Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare made the commendation when addressing the fifty lawyers who participated in the awareness program of this draft. Mr Sogavare said…

Officer guilty

The police officer who stood trial for taking State vehicles without authority has been found guilty of the offense. Principal Magistrate Augustine Aulanga was satisfied that the Crown has proven its case beyond reasonable doubt in relation to two charges of taking vehicles without authority and therefore convicted him. One of the charges relates to…

Buma hosts Australia students

Buma village in West Kwara’ae in Malaita over the weekend hosted a total of 19 tourists from St Michael College in South Australia. A group of 15 young female students from St Michael College in South Australia mostly young females of age between 15 and 16 and four staff landed at Gwounaru’u airport on Friday…

Fiu hydro project half way

The Fiu national hydro project in Auki Malaita Province is now half nearing its completion after reach stages 10 and 11 in the project phase. That was according to the Fiu Hydro Government Project consultant Bernard Bata’anisia. The project which has about 21 stages has now reached half way, he confirmed. “The project is now…

Maepio rejects allegations

Acting premier of Western Province Wayne Maepio has denied allegations he misused provincial funds. He made the denial after a member of the province’s non-executive bench raised the allegation.  “To say that I misuse provincial funds is not only untrue, but also provocative. I denied the allegations,” Maepio told the Sunday Star.  “It’s a wild…

Meeting to discuss by-laws

Chiefs of Kobito 1 in east Honiara will continue their community by-laws meeting today. A statement from the community said the meeting is held to discuss community by-laws that will guide and direct residents in how they live, behave, and relate to each other.  “We want a community that is free from of crime. Having…