Business journos end training

The three days International Monetary Fund (IMF) supported business and economics training for media personnel around the region has concluded in Suva, yesterday. About 10 regional financial journalists attended the training, which covered issues related to how to cover a government budget, understanding central banks policies, writing better headlines, learning about economic jargons, interpreting reports…

PNG Minister warns NBC to take stock

THE NATIONAL – A Papua New Guinea Cabinet Minister has directed the PNG National Broadcasting Corporation board and management to produce results by next month or face the consequences. Communication and Information Technology Minister Jimmy Miringtoro sounded the warning following the Auditor-General’s report on the State-owned radio and television station, which revealed cases of mismanagement…

Tonga pension extension welcomed

RNZI: A spokesperson for a Tonga group that cares for families says the extension in the availability of pensions for the elderly is widely welcomed. This week people from the age of 70 up have been able to receive the TOP65 pa’anga (US$35), monthly payments from the Government’s National Retirement Benefits and Social Welfare Board.…

Auki police enter day four of training

AUKI police in Malaita entered their fourth day of training yesterday in preparation of the upcoming national general elections. The training was conducted to equip officers with skills and knowledge to prepare for law and order situation that may arise during the elections. The training featured demonstrations on how to approach and disperse crowds in…

Island states told to press onward

Small Island Developing States(SIDS) have been told that there is no time to waste sitting back and wait but to focus and press forward to make their voices heard in addressing their issues in the UNSIDS conference next week. Speaking before Pacific journalists in Apia this week, the Director General of Secretariat to the Pacific…

Taiwanese to take plea next

THE Taiwanese national accused of trying to export millions of dollar worth of Tubi logs will enter his plea on September 10. This was after Crown Prosecutor Ricky Iomea on Wednesday informed the court the crown will proceed with the charge against Hsieh Chen Chin Fu. Fu is facing one count of attempted export of…