Meet the 85 years old voter

AN eighty-five (85) year mother is probably the oldest voter who turned up to cast her ballot paper during last week’s by-election in South Choiseul Constituency. Meet Mrs. Rinnie Barigakapathe from Malango South Choiseul who was amongst the first to cast her vote during the by-election on Wednesday the 19th of May. By the time…

GPG clears NPF arrears 

THE Guadalcanal Provincial Government (GPG) has settled its entire staff’s long due National Provident Fund (SINPF) surcharges and contributions last week. According to a press release statement from the Guadalcanal media revealed that a total of more than SBD $3 million have been paid which was confirmed by the SINPF Enforcement Officer who deals with…


Finds job under Pacific seasonal workers scheme in Australia   A HANDFUL of jobless local university graduates have left the country to join the Pacific Seasonal Workers Scheme this year in searching for employments opportunities in Australia and New Zealand. This is due of lack of employment opportunities in the country. In an online interview…


A Facebook commentary criticizing the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Communication and Aviation, Moses Virivolomo of threatening to pullout the Solomon Islands Roads and Aviation Projects (SIRAP) from Malaita Province last week were “baseless” and “deceiving” to the people of Malaita Province. Premier Suidani’s Political Appointee, Celsus Talifilu ambiguously claimed Virivolomo threatened the Provincial…

SICCI hosts PM’s Breakfast with members

Prime Minister Hon Manasseh Sogavare had the opportunity to address key members of the business community in Solomon Islands on relevant Policy, enhanced partnership and respond to the Private Sector Pathway to COVID-19 Recovery Strategy submitted to his Government earlier this year. This was during a Prime Minister’s Business Breakfast on Friday 21st May, 2021…

Malaita executive immovable 

GOVERNMENT Insiders say that the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA) failed again when Malaita Provincial Executive took a bold stand to reject Chinese Company to construct the new Fiu Bridge. Speaking to this paper in anonymity over the weekend on government insider said this recent move by Malaita Premier and his executive does not…

Police commends voters

Choiseul Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Vincent Eria has commended registered voters in South Choiseul Constituency and Kirugela ward in North East Choiseul for their good behaviour displayed during both the national and provincial bi-election held on Wednesday, 19th May. PPC Eria said he was happy that the polling-day went peacefully in South Choiseul and Kirugela…

Man guilty of raping daughter

A MAN has been found guilty last Friday of raping his teenage daughter twice on two different occasions 2016 at a school guest house in the province. The man who cannot be named to protect the identity of her daughter was convicted of two counts of rape after a trial. The court had heard that…