Police conducts cyber protection awareness

THE RSIPF (Royal Solomon Islands Police Force) have begun its exercise of providing cyber protection awareness programs in schools and communities around the country. A total of 15 RSIPF Cyber Protection trainers have already been deployed to schools and communities throughout the country. Police Commissioner, Frank Prendergast revealed that this was part of the Cyber…

Unhygienic practices, a concern

CONCERNS have been raised by the public over the many unhygienic practices by some inconsiderate citizens in public places within Honiara. One of the main concerns was littering and also disposal of human faeces in public areas and facilities throughout Honiara. A latest example of this occurred yesterday in front of the Magistrates court when…

City council to dissolve Dec 9

HONIARA City Council will dissolve on December 9 this year. And city council voters are expected to go to the polls on December 10. City Clerk Charles Kelly confirmed, Wednesday. Mr Kelly said preparations are on the way as council heads towards dissolving the house. “Plans are in place and the current executive and council…

School fee hike irks parents

INCREASES in school fees has raised grave concerns for parents who have been struggling to foot their children’s fees every year despite the government’s fee free education policy. The policy, which was implemented back in 2004 and carried on by the caretaker NCRA government, was part of the MDG (Millennium Development Goals), which stated that…