RSIPF and SIAF prepares for the upcoming Parliament resumption

Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and Solomon Island Assistance Force (SIAF) undergo preparation for the scheduled resumption of Parliament for this year 2022. SIAF recently had additional members from Australia arrive in Honiara to be part of the preparation Team.  SIAF members participated in some RSIPF Public Order Management (POM) interoperability training.  That POM…


Solomon Islands is now a step closer to achieving accreditation for testing of products following the opening of a new National Public Health Laboratory office complex last week.  The SBD$1.1million project is funded by the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) through the Solomon Islands – Enhancing Capacity for Agriculture Trade Project (SI-ECAT).  The Enhanced Integrated Framework…

Dubai investers express interest to establish intravenous solution (IV) production facility on Ulawa island

Solomon Islands presence at Expo 2020 Dubai has continued to receive interests from various foreign investors who are eager to establish business operations in the Solomon Islands. A virtual meeting was convened on Wednesday 9th March 2022 between Dubai Investors and Solomon Islands Government officials and community representatives on the possible establishment of an Intravenous…

More graduate docs joins NRH medical team as interns

TWENTY-FIVE (25) more graduate doctors now joins the National Referral Hospital (NRH) Medical Team as interns. This followed the completion of the Bridging Program, a year-long teaching program to support the training of returned foreign trained medical graduates of Solomon Islands. The program is part of the SIMPLER (Solomon Islands Medical Partnerships for Learning, Education…

Health team to MOI, rolls out health services

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) has finally made it again to Malaita Outer Islands (MOI) following its first deployment in January this year, that detected COVID-19 cases from the community. Though community transmission in Honiara, followed by Malaita Province, had delayed the 2nd deployment, health through much discussions and mobilization of limited…

Beligarism on the rise in Honiara

POLICE leadership has come under the spotlight in the face of increasing social disorder and ‘beligarism’ (burglary) involving children as young as eight years old. There are growing concerns within and outside the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) that unless the Police Commissioner Mostyn Mangau is removed, things would only get worse. Traffic police…