Solomon Airlines jets on with achievements

Marking what he described as an eight month period of “progress and delivery” Solomon Airlines General Manager Operations and Commercial, Gus Kraus has handed down the airline’s report card at this week’s ‘Planning for SUCCESS – 2015’ national marketing meeting. Speaking to around thirty (30) Solomon Airlines management, staff and consultants attending the event at…

Calls to implement education plan

PERMANENT Secretary (PS) of Ministry of Education and Human Resources calls for proactive action from people engaged to implement the National Education Action Plan (NEAP) 2013-2014. Dr Franco Rhodie stressed this when he opened the annual joint Review of the Education Sector at Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) conference room, Tuesday. “We need to think outside…

No serious report on campaign in West

WESTERN Provincial Police is yet to receive any reports of disturbances related to campaigning in the lead to the national general election. Provincial Police Commander (PPC) George Guna in an interview with the Solomon Star, Tuesday said Gizo and the surrounding have enjoyed peaceful campaign activities conducted by intending candidates so far. “Currently Gizo town…

Warrant of arrest for Biliki

A warrant of arrest has been issued for the man accused of the $10 million scandal uncovered in the Ministry of Health and Medical Service on Tuesday. John Biliki was not present in court which resulted in a warrant of arrest being issued for his arrest. His lawyer George Gray was also absent in court…

Officer returns to court

A police officer facing a traffic offence in relation to an incident in 2011 resulting in the death of a girl at West Guadalcanal in 2011 returns to court next month. Rex U’upwe is facing one count of causing death by reckless or dangerous driving. This was in relation to an incident on March 2,…

Vernacular language pilot project progresses

THE vernacular language pilot project is working very well on Small Malaita and Makira Ulawa province, says Benedict Esibaea. Esibaea, who is the Director of Primary Division Human Resource, mentioned this during the annual joint review meeting at Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) conference room on Tuesday. The meeting provided an opportunity for key stakeholders of…