Man attacked by stray dogs dies

THE cognitively-impaired person who was attacked by stray dogs in Gizo Town on Wednesday has died in Gizo Hospital from his injuries. His death has caused grief and anger in Gizo as people demanded responsible authorities to urgently address the escalating issue of stray dogs in Gizo Town. The person was attacked early Wednesday morning…

PM Sogavare commends Guadalcanal on township projects

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare this week has commended the vision of Guadalcanal Province to build townships at strategic locations around the province. Speaking at celebrations marking the province’s 39th Second Appointed Day at Mamara, Northwest Guadalcanal on Tuesday, Sogavare acknowledged the Provincial Government for its vision to build townships at Mamara, Henderson and Marau Manekalaku,…

Infrastructure investment, SINU’s priority

INVESTING in new infrastructure and upgrading the current facilities is a top priority for the Solomon Islands National University (SINU). That’s according to the University Vice Chancellor (VC), Dr Transform Aqorau, in his reflection on the achievements made by the university during the first half of 2023. “Infrastructure development remained a top priority for the…


Cognitively impaired man hospitalised after a ferocious attack by pack of stray dogs in the Western Provincial Capital A COGNITIVELY-IMPAIRED person known for roaming the streets of the Western Provincial Capital, Gizo, fell victim to a vicious attack by a pack of stray dogs at 3am yesterday. The incident occurred on the road between Aussie…

10k Toes training in RANOSI

MORE one hundred participants from around Ranoggah and Simbo (RANOSI) in the Western Province are undergoing a one-week 10,000 Toes Health Risk Assessment training at Buri, Ranoggah. Training facilitators from the Solomon Islands Mission (SIM) of the Adventist Church based in Honiara and Kukudu are conducting the training. It commenced on Monday and will end…

PM highlights significance of aquaculture

PRIME Minister, Manasseh Sogavare, has highlighted the importance of developing aquaculture for rural development and food security in light of pressures placed on the country’s fisheries resources. Speaking at Guadalcanal Province’s Second Appointed Day celebration on Tuesday at Mamara, Northwest Guadalcanal, Prime Minister Sogavare said fisheries is a major sector not only in Guadalcanal Province…

Minister Kuma on security support

SOLOMON Islands will continue to rely on its overseas partners and friends to achieve security matters, especially with the international borders, law and order. Minister of Finance and Treasury, Harry Kuma, highlighted this in his contribution to the debate on the TRC Final Report in Parliament on Tuesday. He said on security reform, he concurs…

Bus stabber awaits sentence

THE young man who allegedly stole another man’s phone inside a public bus after stabbing him with a scissors along the Koa Hill Road in January will be sentenced on August 8. Davidson Daniel Donga, 20, has pleaded guilty to one count of Armed Robbery on a previous court date. He was initially charged with…