Australia’s Foreign Minister, Senator Penny Wong to visit Honiara AUSTRALIAN Foreign Minister Penny Wong is traveling into the country tomorrow morning for a one day visit. The Australia’s Foreign Minister has announced her travel to the country yesterday, the first trip since the country signed a security deal with China. Senator Wong is the next…

Booking for SI-Fiji route welcomed

BOOKING for those wishing to travel between Solomon Islands and Fiji can now be accessed. This followed announcement by Solomon Airlines last week and Fiji Airways agent Guadalcanal Travel Solomons (GTS) yesterday. “Solomon Airlines has also resumed their Fiji Airways operated code-share service between Honiara and Nadi on Saturdays from 2 July2022,” Solomon Airlines said…


Provincial Elections for Choiseul and Western provinces set for December PROVINCIAL election for Choiseul and Western provinces is expected to take place on 14th December, 2022. This follows the dissolution of both provincial assembly on 13th June. Acting Chief Electoral Officer and Commissioner Fredrick Bosoboe confirmed the dissolution date of both provinces. The election was…


Under voluntary arrangement FOUR members of the Malaita for Democracy and Development (M4DD) have voluntarily surrendered to Police in relation to November riots in Honiara in 2021. They surrendered themselves on Monday at Auki police station. They are being transported to Honiara via a police fast craft for questioning. They come forward in respond to…