PNG’s Bmobile speeds up

POST COURIER – Telikom PNG Limited and Bmobile will roll out a $US100 million 3G/4G next generation mobile phone network from April next year. Telikom PNG CEO Michael Donnelly said the strategic partnership between Bmobile and the Vodafone UK Group would be beneficial to Telikom and Bmobile. The two SOEs are currently building a new…

PNG extends ban bech-de-mer

THE NATIONAL – Papua New Guinea’s beche-de-mer stock is improving but not at the stage of harvesting, a senior National Fisheries Authority (NFA) official says. Sedentary fishery manager Luanah Yaman said the impact of the beche-de-mer ban in the past three years did not see a significant difference in the stock. She said the size…

PNGDF secures loan for facilites upgrade

POST COURIER – The Papua New Guinea Defence Force has secured a K1.9 billion (US$772 million) loan from overseas to improve its facilities. Defence Minister and North Wahgi MP Fabian Pok announced the National Executive Council (NEC) had approved the loan and once the loan agreement was signed the department would secure the loan from…

Where’s our DPP?

Country needs a full-time Director of Public Prosecution, says judge A HIGH Court judge says the country needs and deserves a “full time” Director of Public Prosecutions. Justice Stephen Pallaras, QC, made the call in light of the frequent overseas travels by the Director of Public Prosecution Ronald Bei Talasasa. He said Mr Talasasa’s regular…