Sogavare dismisses accusations

Outgoing East Choiseul MP Manasseh Sogavare says there’s no law stopping a candidate from supporting another candidate contesting in a different constituency. He was responding to Gizo resident Peter Naiko, who claimed Mr Sogavare was in Gizo recently to lobby support for a candidate contesting the Gizo-Kolombangara Constituency. Mr Sogavare said Mr Naiko’s accusations shows…

Public urged to respect rule of law

Forum Solomon Islands International (FSII) has called on every citizen to respect the rule of law during the election period. The nation goes to the polls on November 19, while six provinces will conduct their provincial elections early next month. In a statement, FSII said it is concerned at the manner shops and offices along…

Choiseul candidates urges to be honest

Candidates contesting the three constituencies in Choiseul are urged to be honest and tell the truth during their campaign. Lawyer and Choiseul man John Smith Pitabelema made the call from Taro this week. Mr Pitabelama claimed voters have already expressed concern about how certain candidates carried out their campaign and the promises they are making.…

In the news last week, in brief

New law awaits gov’t A Solomon Islands law that aims to reform weak leadership code legislation is stuck in limbo as the country approaches elections. Last month in Vienna, Solomon Islands Government presented a progress report on efforts to reform the Leadership Code Act to the Implementation Review Group of the UN Convention Against Corruption.…

Relocation will be challenging: Mataki

Relocating those on low lying atolls affected by climate change will be challenging. That was according to Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment and Conservation, Climate Change and Meteorology, Dr Melchior Mataki. “When we talk about relocating, you are relocating structures, cultures and even political attachments,” he said at a recent workshop in Honiara. “All these…

Third miner eyes Rennell

A newly established joint-venture mining company, Mugava and Solomon Mining Limited, is also eying the bauxite deposits on Rennell Island. This is the third company vying to have a stake in the bauxite deposits on Rennell. Asia Pacific Investment Development(APID) and Bintang Borneo Mining Company Ltd of Indonesian are two other mining companies already laying…

Developer defends business permit

China United, the developer of Town Ground plaza in Honiara, has defended it business permit that allows them to lease spaces in the plaza. The company also denied receiving any form of advice or letter from the Attorney General on its business permit that needs detailed clarification. Managing Director, Shiyao Guo told the Sunday Star…

Aimela hosts first open day

Aimela Community High School (ACHS) near Auki, Malaita Province,hosted its first school open day, Friday. The open day, which the school plans to become an annual event, was the first of its kind for the school to organise. It was fun-filled, as parents joined their children, to participate in the various organised activities. There were…