Girl, 3 abused

Untold stories of children suffering from trauma A THREE-YEAR-OLD girl is the youngest to seek refuge at the Church of Melanesia’s Christian Care Centre on the outskirt of Honiara. The centre’s director, Doreen Awaiasi revealed this at a one-day workshop on violence against women last week in Honiara. Ms Awaiasi said the child’s story was…

Lilo: Moveni promoted, not removed

CARETAKER Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has denied reports of his involvement in the removal of the Commissioner of Forest Reeves Moveni to become deputy secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office. Instead, Mr Lilo said Mr Moveni was promoted just like any other public servants to take up his new post. “Mr Moveni was promoted…

Fiji-Sol air impasse persists

SOLOMON Islanders will wait until a new government is elected to re-negotiate a settlement of the three month aviation impasse with Fiji. PACNEWS has been reliably informed that a delegation of senior government officials from Honiara was in Suva this week to thrash out pending issues with their Fiji counterparts. The meeting went well and…

Youths want inclusive approach

YOUTHS of Aoke-Langalanga constituency in Malaita say they want whoever wins the seat in the November 19 to take inclusive development approaches. Their spokesman Philip Subu said inclusive development approaches ensures equal participation in decision making. “We youths have been neglected for far too long,” Mr Subu said. “We want our new MP to seriously…

Media personnel end parliament workshop

EIGHTEEN media personnel from various local media organisations, non-government organisations, and government ministries completed a three-day workshop on Parliamentary Information organised by the Media Department of the National Parliament. During the three days’ workshop, participants were able to learn about the Constitution of Solomon Islands, Parliament Standing Orders, various functions, procedures and divisions of the…

Stop engaging kids in campaigns

YOUNG children below the age of 18 should not be engaged in any political campaigning because it’s a form of child abuse. The warning came as the country is being hit by election fever resulting in political campaigning intensifying in parts of Honiara and the provinces. Speaking to the Solomon Star yesterday Acting Director of…