‘Embrace Peace’

PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare has appealed to every Solomon Islanders to embrace the ‘gift of peace’ and rise up to take your place in the company of all wantoks, and help contribute towards the building of this country. Mr Sogavare made this appeal during the country’s 38th Independence celebration at Lawson Tama on Thursday. The…

Female banker gets ticket for Italy

A LOCAL woman on Wednesday received air tickets to travel to Italy for a three week training course on Microfinance. She is Joyce Nukumuna, Manager for Branchless banking of the Bank South Pacific (BSP) who will be travelling soon to Turin, Italy to attend a three week training course on Microfinance there, under the United…

North Guadalcanal says sorry

PEOPLE of North Guadalcanal has presented two chupus (traditional gifts) to SIPCRRA Malaita and the national government during the national healing and apology event at Rove playing field, West Honiara yesterday. This was to compensate the people of Malaita who left the constituency during the height of the ethnic tension in 1998. Most of the…

Parties reconcile

Solomon Islands Post Conflict Rehabilitation and Restoration Association (SIPRRA) Guadalcanal has apologised to the national government, all provincial governments, Honiara City Council, all churches, diplomatic missions, RAMSI and all citizens of this country, Wednesday. Furthermore, it also seek forgiveness from former ex-combatants of Malaita, women and children for what they have done during the ethnic…

PIDF Secretariat meets taskforce

A two member delegation from the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) Secretariat in Suva, Fiji, is currently in Honiara this week to meet with the Solomon Islands National Taskforce to finalise arrangements ahead of the PIDF Leader’s Summit next week. The delegation which comprised of the Deputy Secretary General of PIDF, Peni Lomaloma and Tony…

Mayor fined

Honiara City Mayor Alfrence Fatai and his female co-accused have been fined a total of $3,000 on Monday at the Honiara Magistrates Court. Failure to pay up the fine by close of business today will result in both of them serving two weeks in prison. Fatai pleaded guilty to the charges of driving without a…

Parties reconcile

Solomon Islands Post Conflict Reconciliation Rehabilitation and Restoration Association (SIPCRRRA) Guadalcanal had reconciled with Marau and Royal Solomon Islands Police force at Rove playing ground, West Honiara, on Tuesday. The reconciliation was part of the National Healing and Apology programme organized by the national government to try and bring peace after the ethnic conflict on…

Gitoa sent behind bars for life

The court has yesterday sentenced Stanley Gitoa to life imprisonment for the murder of a man at Tetere, East Guadalcanal in 2010. Gitoa pleaded guilty to the murder on a previous court appearance before Justice Francis Mwanesalua. This is in relation to the incident on 11 November 2010 where he attacked the deceased using a…