ESP check to roll

PERMANANET Secretary (PS) for Finance and Treasury McKinnie Dentana says the monitoring of the Economic Stimulus Package (ESP) will begin this June. In a radio talk-back show yesterday, Dentana said those who have received support have to prepare as they will be visited by the monitoring team at their home as stated in their project…

Lands Board welcomes COL decision

The Land Board last Tuesday gave its full support to the Commissioner of Lands (COL) for taking action to forfeit Fixed Term Estates (FTE) previously owned by Pari Development Company.  Land Board Chairman Alfred Soaki in a statement said that the Board had been informed about the long and complex history of land allocation to the…

Wale dismayed 

The Leader of Opposition Matthew Wale, has expressed his dismay on what he sees is a case of clear politicization of the medical condition and health woes of the Premier of Malaita Province Daniel Suidani.  In an issued statement on Sunday Wale said; “I am utterly dismayed at the reports currently swirling around in the public…


THE Government has dubbed the trip taken by Malaita Premier Daniel Suidani to Taiwan for medical attention as ‘unauthorised’ and undermines the ‘One China’ policy. This came after Suidani was reported to have arrived in Taiwan for medical check-up. In a statement issued by the Government Communication Unit on Sunday said, the Government of Solomon Islands considers…

Govt sitting on a US diplomatic note 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade (MFAET) has been sitting on a diplomatic note from the US Government since March this year.  According to leaked information, a diplomatic note was believed to have been submitted to MFAET towards the end of March this year with no response from the responsible ministry.  Information received…


Premier Suidani thanks Taiwan for making his medical treatment possible   The Malaita Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani is now in Taiwan to undergo an urgent Head CT/MRI scan.  Premier Suidani, who has been ill for the past 5 months, travelled to Australia and then to Taiwan to undergo the much needed scan and treatment.  According…


Will the nation afford to sacrifice the 6,000 students? As time ticks away, more than 6, 000 students studying at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) this year face an uncertain future over outstanding tuition fees. SINU has nominated Monday 31st May as the cut-off date for all students to clear their outstanding fees. They…