RSIPF appeals to business owners affected by the riots to lodge complaint with police

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is appealing to all business owners affected by the protests, rioting, burning and looting of shops to formally lodge their details with police to assist with the ongoing police investigation. RSIPF Commissioner Mostyn Mangau said: “My officers are recovering a large amount of stolen property from various locations…

Taro farmers benefiting from partnership

TARO farmers in Malaita Province have started to benefit from the establishment and partnership of Goshen Enterprise Limited- a locally own company that currently venturing in taro industry in Malaita province. This week the company has received first supply of taro harvest from Abaihara organic taro farmers association in North Malaita. The first supply arrived…

Residents’ advice to boil water

THE Solomon Water Authority has warned those in Honiara who used the Solomon Water supply for drinking to ensure to boil their drinking water. Ian Gooden Chief Executive Officer of Solomon Islands Water Authority (SIWA) informed Solomon Star yesterday said following the heavy rain, particularly in Kombito and Kongulai catchments where illegal activities (logging and…

NDMO encourages communities to stay alert

THE National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) in Honiara has urged communities around Solomon Islands to be first responders as a number of possible disasters are looming. In a statement yesterday, the NDMO said “As we are faced with concurrent emergency situations, many of our national emergency and response agencies are stretching their capacities and resources,…

ANZ donates AUD$100k

ANZ Bank has announced it would donate AUD100,000 (SBD800K) to the Solomon Islands rebuild, including some funds previously announced for COVID19 relief. This was revealed by ANZ Solomon Islands Country Head, Martin Beattie, in a statement yesterday. “The Solomon Islands has had a turbulent history but it is a proud country and we truly believe…

Flights disrupted by unrest

A NUMBER of scheduled repatriation flights to bring back students and nationals overseas were disrupted by the political unrest last month. That’s according to Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs Collin Beck on Sunday during radio talk back show over the national broadcaster-SIBC. “As we in a period of sending back our students in the country,…