SI & PNG determined to see vibrant bond nurtured and expanded for the betterment of the two nations & people

Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare, MP, briefly met his Papua New Guinea counterpart, Prime Minister Hon. James Marape at the Honiara International Airport this afternoon. Prime Minister James Marape was on his way to Fiji, transiting through Honiara.   Prime Ministers Sogavare and Marape used the brief meeting to update each other on policy directions…

AG calls for procurement strengthening

THE Auditor General (AG) has issued a special thematic audit report calling on the Government to strengthen procurement processes after compliance audits of three key ministries uncovered a series of problematic procurement practices in their management of $90-million worth of COVID19 response funds. Speaking at a press conference in Honiara on Wednesday, the Auditor General,…