Air services important in linking PNG to the world

PORT MORESBY, (POST COURIER) – Air connectivity for both international and domestic air services plays a critical role in the movement of passengers and cargo. Establishing more international flights for PNG can enable our connectivity with the outside world, however, our connections are limited. Statistical data on scheduled international passenger traffic to and from Port…

Cruise boats bring benefits to villagers

Santa Cruz communities have benefit a lot from the sale of local artefacts and providing extended service to tourists during the calling of international cruise liner MS Europa on 25th last month. There are three tourism destinations at Santa Cruz – Malo /Wia, Luova and Noipe. Malo/Wia tourism committee chairperson Malachi Lekano yesterday shared the…

SINU starts its $120M infrastructure upgrade

A GROUND breaking ceremony was held Wednesday at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) Panatina Campus to mark the start of the university’s $120 million building project. The ceremony was witnessed by Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga, Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development permanent secretary Dr Franco Rodie, SINU Board chairman and MP for…

Contractor promises a standard building

CHINESE Civil Engineer Construction Corporation (CCECC) promised to build a standard complex for the Solomon Islands National University (SINU). CCECC is the Chinese Company that won the contract to build the $120million project at SINU Panatina Campus starting this week. “I want to assure you that CCECC will bring a professional technical and management team…

Solomon Airlines suspends Santa Cruz service

Solomon Airlines has announced a suspension of all services to Santa Cruz with immediate effect. Citing land dispute issues as the reason for the suspension, an airline spokesman said the national carrier apologised unreservedly for the decision. “We do apologise to our valued clients for any inconvenience the suspension of the Santa Cruz service may…

Fuel tanker in action

North Malaita vessel goes into business When North Malaita MP Jimmy Lusibaea bought a fuel tanker instead of a passenger vessel for his constituency, some constituents went berserk. “North Malaita does not need a fuel tanker. We need a passenger ship,” were some of the complaints. But Lusibaea and his constituency committee have other plans.…

Local trade officials get Fiji training

FOUR officials from the Solomon Islands Government have completed capacity building exchange with a number of Fiji agencies handling trade and trade-related issues. The 10-day Peer Learning on Trade Data for Solomon Islands Trade officials concluded on Friday in Suva. Solomon Islands High Commissioner to Fiji, Patterson Oti said trade policy and development needed to…