West’s no confidence motion today

THE proposed motion of no confidence against current Western Provincial Premier Robert Pye Kuve and his government will be tabled this morning. Ward 16 provincial member Ramrakha Talasasa is moving the motion. Mr Talasasa has accused Mr Kuve of poor performance due to his ailing health condition. He claimed the premier has been sick for…

ADB supports Vanuatu’s recovery effort

MANILA, PHILIPPINES – The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is preparing initial assistance to support the government and people of Vanuatu after Tropical Cyclone Pam caused deaths and widespread damage across the South Pacific archipelago over the weekend, ADB President Takehiko Nakao announced yesterday. “I offer my deepest condolences to the people of Vanuatu for the…

Yow: Consultants are paid by ADB

SIPA defends review SOLOMON Islands Ports Authority (SIPA) chief executive officer has defended a Singaporean consultancy firm engaged by the authority to review its activities. Collin Yow spoke out after SIPA workers issued a 28-day strike notice and demanding the termination of consultants International Business Partners (IBP). Workers also claimed SIPA is paying dearly for…

Announcement of political appointees

The Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government has now released the names of its first lot of Political Appointees (PAs). And as part of its policy it will be publishing the names of its Political Appointees in a series of issues in the Solomon Star this week. A statement from the Prime Ministers Office said,…

Alleged dormitory intruder pleads not guilty

One of the five young men who allegedly broke into a girl’s dormitory at Ruavatu Secondary School in Northwest Guadalcanal has denied allegations against him. Casper Sade on Monday pleaded not guilty to one count of house break-in and one count of criminal trespass before Principal Magistrate Fatima Taeburi. His co-accused Alfred Tavoria will take…

US to provide disaster assistance

The Government of the United States (US) expresses its support for the people of Vanuatu, as well as those affected in Solomon Islands, following the distraction wracked by Cyclone Pam. In a statement yesterday the US government said; “We give condolences to the families who lost loved ones due to the cyclone or who have…