HCC sine die, Thursday

HONIARA City Council will have its sine die motion on Thursday to reflect on its achievement so far this financial year. This comes after they have tabled and passed the $39million Honiara City Council (HCC) Budget recently. Honiara City clerk Charles Kelly said 2016 has been a year of “a lot of ups and downs”.…

Finance clarifies payment to MPs

THE huge amounts of money paid to Members of Parliament this month are for constituencies. According to a Ministry of Finance and Treasury source, this is the final quarterly payment from the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) to MPs for their constituencies under the Rural Constituency Development Fund (RCDF). Reports reaching Solomon Star stated that…

Malaita supports new proposed voting system

MALAITA Province has expressed overwhelming support for the new Limited Preferable Voting (LPV) system following a two day consultation programme on election system and electoral legislation reform in Auki this week. Speaking at the closing of the programme on Tuesday, Malaita Premier Chanel Ramohia confirmed Malaita’s support for the LPV system. Mr Ramohia said Malaita…

Political impasse over

THE political impasse that shook the nation few weeks ago has calmed down following calls from political leaders to have the matter settle. A source within the government confirmed that “the impasse is over”. Therefore, he said there will be no disturbance to parliament proceedings, currently underway. The source thanked the Opposition group and other…

Women’s professional network launched

Australia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon Julie Bishop joined women in Honiara in marking the first ever networking association for women of Solomon Islands on Tuesday. Pioneering members of the Solomon Islands Professional Women’s Network (SIPNET) –a platform for women to network, establish relationship, support each other and work towards common goals – were honoured…

More students graduate from PAU

Eleven (11) students from Solomon Islands have graduated at Pacific Adventist University (PAU) on Sunday 4th December 2016. Those who successfully graduated with their respective degrees were; – Alex Mamaka from Choiseul Province (Bachelor in Business- Accounting & Computing),; – Leecrish Joseph from Western Province (Bachelor in Secondary Education); – Rosemary Tobani from Guadalcanal Province(Bachelor…

Q3 visitor arrivals continuein positive mode

THE country’s tourism industry has closed off Q3 in positive mode with international visitor arrival figures for the nine-month period January – September showing a solid 4.5 per cent increase over the corresponding period in 2015. Official figures released by the Solomon Islands National Statistics Office this week show a total of 16,381 visitors arrived…