Tourism group cleans up medical ward

VARIOUS departments within the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) including Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau (SIVB) have conducted a major clean-up effort at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) medical ward on Friday. The clean-up effort was spearheaded by the Solomon Island Visitors Bureau (SIVB) Green team. Accompanied the SIVB Green Team were staff from the…

SIVB organises service tourism awareness

SOLOMON Island Visitors Bureau (SIVB) has organised a one day Service Tourism Awareness Workshop (STAW) for the entire Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) departments on Friday. The training was organised at the King Solomon Hotel Bamboo Bar. The aim of the workshop was to stimulate an excitement and interest about the tourism industry with…

Call to support rural soccer

A TEAM official fromSambora football club has called on the business houses, Provincial Members and Members of Parliament around South East Vella La Vella in Western Province to step in and assist rural soccer clubs. Rickson Oile speaking from his village at Sambora said this ahead of the 2015 South Vella La Vella constituency cup…

Here’s news for NPF members

Board to declare interest rate today SOLOMON ISLANDS National Provident Fund (SINPF) members will know what interest they’ll be paid this year when the fund declares this today. After a tough year of battling public criticisms and scrutiny over some of their investment decisions and loans, particularly the $15m Tavanipupu loan, the board sailed through…

Missing Malaysian found

A Malaysian man who reportedly went missing in the Shortland Islands has been found alive and safe. Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast at the weekly police conference yesterday said police found the man on the same Island police believed he went missing from. “The person is located safe and well and there were no further issues.”…

Court gives time for parties to sort charges

Time has been given for Prosecutions and Defence Counsels to negotiate the charges involving the man who allegedly attempted to burn down the Pacific Casino Hotel. A pre-trial conference was held yesterday on the charge of arson and wilful & unlawful damage charge against Tommy Leong. This was after prosecution maintained the two charges following…

Former police officer to stand trial

FORMER provincial police commander of Guadalcanal Daniel Hunikera will stand trial in September in relation to the traffic offences against him. Principal Magistrate Augustine Aulanga has set down September 7 for the start of the trial. The hearing will run for three days. The trial date was fixed following the pre-trial conference yesterday. Hunikera had…

Report burglary to police: Prendergast

Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast says police are making a progress in their investigations in relation to the increasing burglary incidents around Honiara. During the weekly police conference yesterday, Mr Prendergast said they are still concern and will continue to carry out operations. “I urged members of the public to report to the police any suspicious…

Youth@Work meets MSG Leaders

Youth@Work (Y@W) staff and interns impressed some of the visiting MSG leaders when they presented an overview of the Y@W programme and talked about its achievements yesterday at Heritage Park Hotel. Youth@Work Program Manager Sandra Bartlett said, the leaders responded well to the presentation about Y@W and were very interested to hear how it is…