Police pleased with behavior during Games

THE Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has expressed gratitude with the behavior of the general public in Honiara during the two weeks long Solomon Games that officially closed on Sunday. Police commander for Honiara city, Vincent U’upwe told the Solomon Star yesterday that the general behavior of the public during the course of the…

Tinted vehicle blamed for accident

Relatives of the deceased alleged hit by a vehicle at Boneghe, Northwest Guadalcanal last week blamed too much tint on vehicles as a factor contributing to the death of their loved one. The hit-and-run incident had resulted in the death of a father, believed to be sleeping on the road side under the influence of…

No allowance for students in Philippines

Solomon Islands Government sponsored students studying in the Philippines are calling on the government through the Ministry of Education to disburse their allowances as soon as possible. Disgruntled students in an email to the Solomon Star, said that they have not received their allowance since early June. “It is really difficult for us here, as…

‘Prove me wrong’

Sir Kemakeza says the Anti Corruption Bill will never be passed Former Prime Minister (PM) Sir Allan Kemakeza says the Anti Corruption Bill will never be passed by Members of Parliament (MP), until this country elect the right people come next election to lead Solomon Islands. Sir Kemakeza expressed during a brief interview at his…

ADB highlights private sector as driver of growth

  More private sector investment is needed to sustain growth and create jobs in Fiji, Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Vice President for Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, Mr Bambang Susantono, told participants attending the Pacific Update Conference 2016.   The two day Pacific Update Conference is hosted by The University of the South Pacific’s (USP)…

North road in good condition

THE traveling passengers using the longest road in Malaita, the North Road have so far happy with the condition of the road. The 112KM road that runs from Kwara’ae in Auki through West Kwara’ae, West Fataleka, To’obaita, and Lau Mbaelelea and ended up in Baegu Asifola is in good condition for the past three months.…