Temotu Pele MP Dies

MEMBER of Parliament for Temotu Pele Martin Magga has died late on Monday night. Mr Maga had been battling a long illness that left him on a wheel chair since 2009. The Reef Islander born November 11, 1953 is a backbencher in the current government. He entered Parliament during the 2006 National General Election and…

Samoa records 269 chikungunya cases

RNZI: The number of people affected by chikungunya in Samoa has increased from 51 to 269 in the last two weeks. The Ministry of Health Director General, Leausa Tole’afoa Dr Take Naseri, says an ongoing clean up and spraying of mosquito breeding sites is continuing with aircraft and ships being sprayed. He says laboratory tests…

Solo Beautification receives education grant

For the past six years, Solomon Islands Tobacco Company (SITCO) has been a dedicated supporter of the   “SEB Youth Training program”.  In 2006 SEB realized there was a great need in the community for training in the field of Urban Beautification through Environmentally enhanced programs. In discussion with TAFE Queensland, the training materials for the…

Political party recognises new chief

The United Democratic Party for Social Reform and Economic Advancement (UDP) yesterday paid a courtesy call on the newly elected Paramount Chief of Burns Creek, Chief Peter Usi to congratulate and show support for his leadership. In a statement from the party, spokesperson Baranabas Henson said UDP recognizes the importance of working together with chiefs…