Vavanga told to choose executive wisely

A GUADALCANAL man has called on the newly elected Premier of Guadalcanal Province, Bartholomew Vavanga, to choose his new members of executive based on merit and necessary experience. Charles Rongovata made the call yesterday in light of the historical election of the premier in which all 21 provincial ward members voted for Vavanga to lead…

NZ assists rural training centres here

THE New Zealand government is assisting the country’s rural training centres through Caritas, under a five-year partnership between New Zealand and Solomon Islands Association Vocational Rural Training Centre (SIAVRTC). The first two centres to benefit are Vanga Teachers College in Western Province and Kaotave Vocational Rural Training Centre in east Guadalcanal. A SBD$843,056 in assistance…

Mua is SIPRA’s new wing leader

ONE of the coalition partners of the parliamentary Opposition, Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement (SIPRA), has a new parliamentary wing leader. He is the Member of Parliament for Savo/ Russels, Dickson Mua. Mr Mua replaces MP for East Malaita, Manasseh Maelanga, who resigned from the party earlier to become the leader of the Independent…

Opposition questions Shanel appointment

THE Office of the Leader of Opposition is calling on the Prime Minister to explain the logic behind the appointment of his new Police minister. In a statement on Tuesday, the Opposition’s Shadow Minister for Police, National Security & Correctional Services Chris Laore said the appointment of MP for Central Guadalcanal Peter Shanel, as the…