Kenilorea: PM plays cheap politics 

CHAIRMAN of the Parliamentary Standing Foreign Relations Committee (FRC) Peter Kenilorea Jnr says attempt to tarnish his credentials on international matters and understanding of our government processes by the Prime Minister is but “cheap politics”. He was responding to a statement authored by a disgruntled officer from Prime Minister Office on behalf of the Prime…

Fugui to face Foreign Relations Committee

INQUIRY STARTS TODAY By ANDREW FANASIA HEAD of the bi-partisan taskforce John Moffat Fugui will be among the first to appear before the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee (PFRC) this morning. Chaired by Peter Kenilorea Jnr., the PFRC will inquire into whether the country should severe its existing diplomatic ties Taiwan. Fugui, who is also the MP for…

West eyes link with China province

AS a way forward in their support to see the country switching its diplomatic ties with China, the Western provincial government is eyeing a sister-relation with a province in China. This was confirmed by Premier David Gina through the provincial media officer Brian Betti. He added that a paper on the matter is being finalized…

PM rebuffs reports

PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare has responded to speculations circulating in the mainstream media and to misleading reports surrounding the China- Taiwan issue. A statement from the Office of the Prime Minister rebutted the many unfounded speculations that have been on going which the media lavishly continues to publish in relation to the Government’s review of…

Mayor cautions West

HONIARA City Council Mayor Wilson Mamae has cautioned Western province following its decision to support China. In a statement yesterday Cr. Mamae said; “the choice of switching diplomatic relations from the Republic of China to the People’s Republic of China is a matter of concern for the central government and not provincial governments, not even…


  A FORMER top government official has been picked as Honiara City Council’s new clerk. Rence Sore, a former permanent secretary and special secretary to the Prime Minister, replaces Charles Kelly, whose contract ended last December. Controversial as it may, the appointment was not a surprise to many. When new city mayor Wilson Mamae came…

Police News in Brief

* RSIPF investigates burning incident in Malaita Province* RSIPF investigates alleged infanticide incident in Makira-Ulawa Province RSIPF investigates burning incident in Malaita Province  Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Auki are investigating a burning incident at Waisisi Village in West Are’Are, Malaita Province on 26 August 2019. Operation Manager at the…

 US Aid reps meet PM

PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare and his Deputy John Maneniaru met with a high level team from the world’s premier international development agency – USAID led by the Manila-based Regional Director Mr. Sean Callahan. USAID and other major US based Organisations and Agencies including the Millennium Challenge Corporation – MCC, the Peace Corps, and the United…