Kukum Hot-bread roundabout opened

THE West-bound lane of the Kukum Hot-bread roundabout was opened for traffic use as of Monday, following its completion over the weekend. This is the fifth component of the multi-million dollar project. The project is funded by the Japanese Government and it will be managed by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). It costs more than…


A STAFF at the Fielders Delite Flour mill was crushed to death on Monday morning while cleaning a flour mixing machine. The accident took place at around 9am at the factory site which is located opposite the Water Front night club in east of Honiara. Initial reports stated the victim in his 40s from North…

Leaders needs to step in

One of the leaders from Malaita, Hudson Jamin Maniasi has called on leaders to immediately step in and look for ways to address the recent social and religious movement in Malaita province. He said that social movements like the current Kingdom movement in Malaita and Platform Movement in Makira Province cannot be ignored and needs…


$2m renovation cost too expensive By EDDIE OSIFELO PRIME Minister Rick Houenipwela had rejected the proposal of SBD$2 million cost for renovation of the former Red House at Vavaya Ridge, Central Honiara. This came after engineers from the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) have estimated the initial cost of the renovations at more than SBD$2milion.…

Kingdom leader urged to repent

ONE of the pioneers of the so-called Kingdom Movement, Gordon Mae of Central Kwara’ae, says the group’s leader Kemuel Kaleni is a “deceiver and a false prophet” who must repent. Over the past few days, the Kingdom Movement has been the talk of the day on both mainstream and social media. It finally led to…