Barge death

Young man killed by poisonous gas A YOUNG man lost his life early this week when he reportedly inhaled poisonous gas while attending to a logging barge owned by loggers Samlimsan Company. The man, in his 20s, from Isabel, died after he reportedly inhaled poisonous gasoline from the barge, which was loaded and ready to…

Outstanding dividends queried

LANDOWNING groups from the Guadalcanal plains have questioned Guadalcanal Plains Palm Oil Limited (GPPOL) for not paying their outstanding dividend for 2015. This came after the landowners still waited for their payments since the end of the financial year in April 2016. In a letter written to company on 24th May 2016 and a follow…

SI working to rectify ‘Yellow Card’

THE government is working with the European Union to lift the yellow card this year. Solomon Islands was yellow carded and issued a warning in 2014 by the EU. This was because they did not comply with the IUU regulations (Illegal Unreported and Unregulated) on fishing activities in the region. Minister of Foreign Affairs and…

Langalanga chief shares tales of struggle

Having access to natural resources is now becoming a problem for Langalanga people in the Malaita province. This was revealed by a concern Langalanga Chief George Jeremiah Gulaewale in an interview with the Solomon Star on Wednesday. Chief Gulaewale said having access to land to make garden and accessing bush materials for house building is…

Ending the past

Gov’t to stage healing, apology week A WEEK-LONG national healing and apology programme will be conducted in Honiara starting on 30 June 2016. The programme, spearheaded by the national government, will bring Malaita and Guadalcanal provinces to say sorry to each other over the killings and hatred that took place during the ethnic tension. Prime…

Police rearmament soon

THE Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) says it is hoping to get the green light to rearm the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force this year. In June next year the Australian and New Zealand-led regional security mission will wrap up more than 14 years of helping to rebuild the country after several years…

School cultural day

Kwaraea Community High School in West Kwara’e will today host their annual cultural day activity at the school compound. This is second time in the history of the school to host such event. Last year the school came up with an idea to revive culture and its importance for the students as a way of…

Suspect yet to undergo medical check

A WOMAN arrested following a recent killing of an elderly woman in north Malaita is yet to under medical examination. The suspect, who was in police custody, was suspected to be mentally ill. Malaita Provincial police commander Alfred Uiga said the woman was yet to undergo medical examination. He said it was important that she…