Armed group threatens villagers in Gela

TULAGI police, Central Province were reportedly deployed to Magotano village last week to investigate threats made to villagers. Police commander Fred Satu said police dispatched the police team following reports a group of boys were going around threatening villagers. Mr Satu said an eye witness told Tulagi police the group of boys were armed with…

New man in charge of Temotu

The Temotu Provincial Assembly (TPA) has elected the former deputy premier Buddley Soakifono as the new premier for Temotu Province, Wednesday. Mr Soakifono polled 11 votes while his only contender Nickson Lanoli collected 5 votes. A spokesperson for the provincial assembly said the provincial member for Vanikoro ward failed to take his oath which disqualified…

‘Balance diet for children vital’

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Maoro needs qualified teachers: Parents

A PARENT from Maoro village, central Kwara’ae said parents whose children are attending Maoro Community High School want to see qualified teachers posted to the school. Outspoken Maoro elder Steven Donald said numerous complaints filtered in after the list of teachers allocated for Maoro was posted. “We found out that a good number of those…

Change can be achieved, says Mokunda

A handicap man from Visale northwest Guadalcanal is calling on their newly elected members of parliament to learn from past leaders’ failures and strive for change. Stanley Mokunda said changes through development in our societies can happen if parliamentarians have strong desires to achieve it. “It can happen if they have the genuine concern to…

Gizo town clerk calls for road repair

THE state of roads in Western Province headquarter Gizo are poor according to the Gizo City Council Clerk. Derald Michael said the condition of roads within the township has deteriorated badly and are in worst state. “The Labour Based Program by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) is a total failure for Gizo town. “There…

Lata Airline worker sacked

SOLOMON Airlines has terminated its officer manning the Lata office in Temotu after it discovered freights of excess goods of certain passengers are being airlifted for free. John Menapi confirmed he was given his marching orders on 2 January 2015. However, Mr Menapi claimed he was sacked for offences he never committed. “I was a…

Continuous heavy rain irks farmers

THE rainy season experienced across the country has worried farmers along the Kwaibaita River, East Kwara’ae Malaita Province. George Ramo said they’re experiencing continues rain which will no doubt spark flooding. “Our food gardens are along the Kwaibaita River and we are worried they will be swept.” He said last year’s April flash floods also…