Wale on the State of Emergency

States of public emergencies are usually situations that a country has already found itself and with this current global pandemic of COVID-19, Solomon Islands is yet to record a positive case.  Opposition Leader Mathew Wale said in parliament yesterday said with the exponential growth and fast spread of the coronavirus throughout the world, the country…

Suidani shed tears with survivors 

Malaita Premier Daniel Suidani has shed tears with survivors of MV Taimareho at Su’u in West Kwaio over the weekend in an emotional encounter. Premier Suidani testified to the Solomon Star Auki in an exclusive interview on Sunday stating, “I cannot hold back my tears seeing my people running away from a potential disaster and…

Gov’t told to sack Faisi

MALAITA Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani has called on the DCGA government to sack the Director of Political Administration in the Caucus Office Samson Fasisi for a foul word believed to be directed at his administration. The call came after Faisi used Facebook to swear at those who cautioned the government to halt COVID-19 kits coming…


Says Search & Rescue division is inefficient By ANDREW FANASIA   MEMBER of Parliament (PM) for West Are’Are John Maneniaru has hit out at the Search and Rescue Division and the government for their slow response to an urgent request for assistance. This was in relation to the tragic incident of the ill-fated voyage of…

Christ the King celebrates Palm Sunday

CHRIST the King Parish at Gilbert Camp, East Honiara has joined the rest of the Christians throughout the nation to celebrate Palm Sunday at their local church on Sunday morning. Parish Rector Father Allen Kali said the event is celebrated annually to mark what had happened to Jesus in Jerusalem more than 2,000 years ago.…

Air Vanuatu’s jet takes refuge here

AIR Vanuatu’s jet aircraft Boeing 737-800 has landed at the Henderson International Airport on Sunday to seek shelter as the tropical Cyclone Harold hits parts of Vanuatu. Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Communication & Civil Aviation Moses Virovolomo confirmed to the paper it was just an emergency flight for safety purposes.   Virovolomo said the jet…

NPF members in Malaita want fairness

A good number of National Provident Funds (NPF) members in Malaita have expressed concern over the decision to allow only Honiara-based members to withdraw part of their contribution. Last week many NPF members in Malaita Province inquired at the NPF branch in Auki following the announcement made by the prime minister and NPF in the…

Call for inquiry

MEMBERS of the public are rallying support calling for a commission of inquiry (COI) to be established to find out why the ill-fated trip by MV Taimareho was allowed to set sail at the eve of a cyclone on Thursday evening. Many have expressed their desire for this inquiry on social media over the weekend.…

 Human cremation concern

Community members at Mount Austen in East Honiara are calling on the Honiara City Council (HCC) and health authorities to stop the human cremation which has been ocurring frequently. This was after two bodies were burnt in front of the Japanese War Memorial at Mount Austen on Saturday. The two bodies were of two Asians…