Urban initiatives highlighted

THE country’s urban development initiatives have been emphasized by the Minister for Lands, Housing & Survey Hon. Moses Garu, Monday. Garu was speaking at the opening of the three days Solomon Islands National Urban Conference (SINUC) which will end today in Honiara. “My Ministry is fortune to have a number of initiatives tackling the cross…

S&P: Brexit effect limited

Suva (Fiji Times) – IN the near term, the direct real impact on Asia-Pacific economies from Brexit is likely to be limited since the relevant linkages are weak. This was revealed by Standards and Poor’s Credit Rating Services in a report on Brexit Impact on Asia-Pacific, including Fiji, is largely credit neutral. Brexit is the…

Fiji sugar exports go on

SUVA, (FIJI TIMES) – Fiji will continue to export sugar to the UK and EU despite Britain leaving the EU, which could have implications on the sugar market generally. Reserve Bank of Fiji governor Barry Whiteside said the central bank’s stand was that “our sugar will not be affected by United Kingdom’s unprecedented decision via…

PNG Public servants salaries increase

PORT MORESBY, (POST COURIER) – Despite the negative impact of inflation Papua New Guinea has been experiencing, all public servants have witnessed for the first time in 25 years, a significant boost in the real value of their earnings. Personnel Management Secretary John Kali said this when speaking at the recent 36th biennial congress of…

Maepio assures people, province

Western provincial Deputy Premier Wayne Maepio says that there are proper channels that can be and should be taken when there are complaints against the government. In an interview he explained that the provincial government is the overall mother body looking after everyone including the provincial executives and any complaints can be channelled through the…

Police takes ownership of multi-million facilities

Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) yesterday has taken delivery of a purpose-built National Response Department (NRD) facility, which includes headquarters for the RSIPF’s specialist police units and a state-of-the-art police armoury. The handing over was described as yet another important milestone on the path to the limited rearmament of the Royal Solomon Islands Police…

PM: Fear Not

Sogavare tells nation to trust armed cops PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare says there’s nothing to fear about police officers being rearmed. He made the assurance at the opening of the new Police National Response Department Building at Rove Police headquarters. The building houses the new police armoury. “I can assure everyone – the members of…

Death Probe

Police investigate death in custody THE son of a former diplomat and MP the late Francis Saemala has died in police custody on Monday following his arrest last Friday. David Morton Sireheti Saemala, 23, is the last born son of late Saemala. Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast confirmed the death and said they are treating the…