Who should give the correct information?

Some fortnight ago, a front page article carried a story about tubi log export which was widely debated. A Taiwanese’s company claimed to be from Malaysian know as Southern Pacific wood SPW has now has more than 20 containers of Tubi round logs near the Markwarth area at Lunga point. A logger known to be…

International artist arrives at Art Haus

Art Haus Solomon Islands is now hosting its first International artist in residence. Joel Gailer, Melbourne-based print maker, arrived in Honiara yesterday to spend six weeks with Art Haus exchanging skills and learning more about Solomon Islands. Joel is the first of several international artists who will come to Solomon Islands between July 2014 and…

Bad weather force ship to return

BAD weather condition yesterday had forced one of the inter-island shipping vessels MV Bikoi 1 to return to Auki port. The passenger boat was on its way to Honiara department Auki at 9am yesterday morning when it met strong wind and rough seas just off Auki. One of the passengers Peter Dick speaking to the…

Chiefs issue stop notice to fishermen

FISHING grounds in parts of West Russell, Central province are out of bound for fishing. Chiefs in the area issued the stop notice following increase use of dynamite fishing in the area by fishermen from the province and outsiders. The move to protect the fishing ground is to ensure fishing is done sustainably and also…

Cross examination in Pacha’s case continues

Lawyer representing the Member of Parliament (MP) for South Guadalcanal David Dei Pacha will continue cross-examine a prosecution witness next week. Before opening the defence case, Gabriel Suri of Suri’s Legal Practice recalled two prosecution witnesses to cross-examine. He had already completed one witness last week and will cross examine the second witness on Monday…

Lungga murder trial continues

Hearing on the murder case in relation to the murder of a man at Lungga, East Honiara in 2010 continues today. Prosecution will be calling its third witness in the trial before Justice Francis Mwanesalua. The accused Aaron Konle allegedly used an object to hit the deceased’s head and when the deceased was unconscious carried…

Man guilty of raping student

The man on trial for the rape of a student at Gizo in 2010 has been found guilty of the rape offences yesterday in Gizo, during a High Court circuit. Justice Stephen Pallaras convicted the 41-year-old father of four of the two counts of rape but acquitted him of the indecent charge. The defence yesterday…

No-case to answer next

Lawyers representing the three young men accused of the murder of a man at Vura 3, Honiara in 2012 will be presenting their no case to answer submissions next month. This followed the closing of the prosecution’s case early this month in the High Court. The no case to answer submissions will be orally presented…

‘Take Tavanipupu to court’

The Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (SINPF) board and management has been called on to take Tavanipupu to court. The call came following reports of the island resort’s accumulated loan arrears which hits the $20 million mark over the $15 million granted to the island resort. “If the NPF board and management can take members…

NPF investments questioned

Members of the Solomon islands National Provident Fund has questioned SINPF board and management to explain what happened to its other investments onshore and offshore. Concerned members said it would be of great interest to members to know the fate of other investments if they are returning positively to the fund. Two weeks ago the…