FSII confirms new venue for forum

FORUM Solomon Islands International (FSII) has confirmed that the new date for the peoples’ forum is tomorrow – Thursday 6th August 2015. The new venue will be at the Korean Restaurant, behind Jina’s restaurant, within the Pacific Casino premises at Kukum. The peoples’ forum that was set for yesterday 4th August was cancelled by the…

‘Sycamore tree’ facilitators’ to increase

THE number of Sycamore tree facilitators is expected to increase after training for new facilitators is currently being conducted at the Bible Way Centre, East Honiara. More than ten participants from different denominations that are working closely with the Prison Fellowship Solomon Islands program within the Correctional Service Solomon Islands (CSSI) were part of the…

Missing duo still at large

The two men from Ranoggah, Western province who were reportedly missing since last Tuesday after going out on fishing trip are still at large. Reports reaching the paper late on Tuesday said, the two men are still missing as opposed to what had been reported on Monday. Earlier reports said, the men have been found…

New $11.9M to extend REP

THE World Bank has approved an additional US$1.5 million (SBD$11.9 million) in grants to extend the Rapid Employment Project (REP) in Solomon Islands until December 2016. The additional financing will see REP continue its successful provision of short-term employment and skills training, while expanding the project to deliver improved access to markets and services for…

GP day celebrated in all wards

GUADALCANAL Province have celebrated their provincial second appointed day in each of their 21 wards this week. Premier for Guadalcanal Province, Bartholomew Vavanga announced this during the celebration held at Nguvia Catholic station, North Central Guadalcanal on Wednesday. Guadalcanal second appointed day is normally held on 31st August. But this year executive have decided to…

Peace building training underway in Auki

The Ministry of National Unity Reconciliation and Peace in Auki is conducting a weeklong training on peace building and conflict analysis. The training which kicked off at the Rarasu Restaurant on Monday is being attended by all the stakeholders in Auki. The training was funded by the Solomon Islands Government through the Ministry of Peace…

Businesses urged to take on interns

Over 150 motivated and trained Youth@Work interns are seeking internship placements in workplaces in Honiara. Youth@Work Program Manager Sandra Bartlett encouraged business and organisations around Honiara to consider taking an intern in their workplace. “These interns have shown they are highly motivated and excited to find work by completing their community service and training.” “Youth…

Mental health awareness conducted

COMMUNITY members in and around the Visale area, North Guadalcanal have been able to learn about the importance of mental health in an awareness last Sunday. More than 400 people from the surrounding villages gathered at the Visale Catholic Mission Station to have a listen to the awareness program. It was being conducted by Mary…

Call to repair Kware’e road

PROVINCIAL Minister for Eastern Regional Affairs Finely Fiumae urges the Minister of Infrastructure Stanly Sofu and Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) to quickly repair Kware’e road in Malaita Province which is in terrible condition. Kware’e road is located in West Kwara’ae and connects East Fataleka, East Kwara’ae, East kwaio and East Are’are to Auki town.…