More candidates sign pledge

About 35 intending candidates that will contest in the coming elections have signed the Election Integrity Pledge organized by Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI). In a statement TSI said the first 14 candidates that signed the pledge are from the National Transformation Party of Solomon Islands (NTPSI). “Last Sunday we have witnessed another 20 candidates from…

Drivers, pedestrians urged to take care

DRIVERS and pedestrians have been called upon to take extra precaution whilst using the roads during this wet weather. A spokesperson from the Kukum Traffic Police yesterday gave the caution, adding that during such rainy weather, and with the deteriorating road conditions, drivers and pedestrians both need to take extra precautionary measures whilst using the…

N/Malaita vehicle owners renew call

MORE than 15 passenger truck owners in North Malaita are calling on authorities to repair the North Malaita road. The 5 kilometer distance road covered the area from Bita’ama to Afufu villages which is now in its worst stage. In an interview with John Andrew Kiriwho is based in North Malaita yesterday, he said truck…

Payments under investigation

SYDNEY, (SMH) — Payments made by miners Allied Gold and St Barbara to a Solomon Islands’ government official are being investigated by the Australian Federal Police. Allied Gold, which was acquired by Perth-based St Barbara in 2012,­ ­allegedly provided benefits to the ­Solomon Islands’ outgoing opposition leader Matthew Wale from 2011. St Barbara then continued…

SINU media class flooded

STUDENTS at the media and journalism classroom at the Solomon Islands National University, (SINU) Kukum campus turned up at class yesterday morning and were shocked to find their classroom being flooded with water as a result of the overnight showers. This happened due to a leaking roof. As result the tables were wet and the…