Mua: Lets accept result

Caretaker Lord Mayor of Honiara City Council (HCC) is appealing to all registered voters in Honiara constituencies to accept whatever results that would come out this week from yesterday’s National General Election. In an interview with the Solomon Star after casting his vote at the White River School Poling station yesterday morning, Andrew Mua said…

Voter cards found

A backpacker containing 25 voter identification cards was discovered in the bush just outside of Auki town, recently. The voter ID cards belong to 25 registered voters of West Kwa’araea Constituency. The man who found the bag, and showed it to the Sunday Star office in Auki, said he was clearing the bush when he…

Gizo police ready for polls

Police in Western Province are well-positioned to respond to any election relation violence, commander George Guna told the Sunday Star. His assurance came as the nation prepares to go to the polls on Wednesday. Guna, who recently took up the commander’s job,  said traditionally constituencies in South Vella La Vella, Shortlands and others parts in…

West deploys election kits

Election materials including kits, ballot papers and ballot boxes have been deployed to the nine constituencies in Western province since they arrived on Tuesday. This came as Western Province prepares to go to the polls with other nine provinces on November 19. Election Manager, Samson Tim told the SundayStar in an interview that Gizo Kolombangara…

AROs complete training

Assistant Returning Officers (ARO) managed to complete their Civic Awareness Training last Friday in all nine constituencies in Western Province. The training aims to help people in the community to understand the importance of elections and the offences surrounding it. This came as they prepare to cast their ballot papers in the national elections this…

West identifies counting venues

Three venues have been identified to host the counting after the elections in Western Province on November 19. There are Gizo, Noro and Seghe. Election Manager, Samson Tim said the counting venues were agreed upon after their meeting with Police twice last week. Tim said there were doubts cast over Noro initially because of alleged…

Judges deserve better

Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer has reiterated the new to review the salaries and terms and conditions of judges. He highlighted this, Friday, when the court farewelled Australian judge Stephen Pallaras, who ended his contract here. Palmer said the salaries and terms and conditions of judges need to be made attractive so that the cream…

Korea reaffirms support here

Republic of Korea pledges to strengthen its bilateral relations with Solomon Islands. Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Kim Seong-Choon, made assurance when signing a Framework Arrangement for Grant Aid 2014 in Honiara last week. He said Korea is well aware of the pains and agonies of developing…

Makira election preparations on track

Election preparations in Makira-Ulawa Province are progressing smoothly ahead of Wednesday’s poll. Electoral manager Gilbert Tabihau confirmed this to the Sunday Star. He said ballot papers and boxes have arrived and have been deployed to respective polling stations. “We have also deployed polling officials for their briefing in their respective polling stations within the three…

Ballot papers misprinted

Ballot papers for Aoke Langalanga constituency in Malaita were found to have been misprinted. Returning Officer  for Aoke Langalanga Charles Kaula said they discovered this when unpacking the kits for the constituency. He said candidate David Faradatolo’s symbol which is the Democratic Alliance Party insignia instead carried the symbol of United Democratic Party. Faradatolo should…