THE famous KHY Buni Tree area is now restricted as the Provincial Disaster Committee plans towards erecting a fence around the area. The Provincial Disaster Committee (PDC) acting chairman Patrick Toiraena told Solomon Star Gizo that the KHY Buni Tree area will be fenced as soon as the provincial works team returns to Gizo from…

Group threatens to disturb Games

A SELF-CLAIM group in Guadalcanal Province is planning to disturb the 2023 Pacific Games if the national government continues to delay settling land issues within the province. The group is called the Guadalcanal Landowner Defendant Force (GLODF). A spokesperson for the group, who requested anonymity, told Solomon Star that ongoing land issues on town boundaries,…

US Government supports SI with COVID-19 Pfizer vaccines through the COVAX Facility

The United States Government provided 52,650 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to Solomon Islands via the COVAX Facility to strengthen the country’s response to COVID-19. Solomon Islands has received 52,650 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines from the United States Government through the COVAX Facility – a partnership co-led by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness…


THE Government has concluded negotiations on the proposed Integrated Economic Development and Community Resilient (IEDCR) Project with the World Bank Thursday last week. A statement from Government Communications Unit yesterday said negotiations were made through the government’s three key ministries which include the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional…

NOC still finalising school reopening guideline

DRAFT of the “Safe School Reopening Guideline” is being finalized by the COVID-19 Oversight Committee (NOC). This was following its meeting with the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD). According to the National Disaster Council’s National Situation Report 34 issued yesterday, after the draft guideline is finalised, the MEHRD will then present it…


SIXTY five inmates were granted early release on Friday due to concerns susceptible to COVID-19 outbreaks given the overcrowding situation in our correctional centres. Commissioner Correctional Services of Solomon Islands Gabriel Manelusi said among the 65 inmates are three parolees. Mr Manelusi said the three parolees are from Rove Central Correctional Centre (RCCC) and the…