Gov’t grilled on missing Beche-de-mer

PM says the consignment should be destroyed THEIR arguments stop with the police. It is over a year now and police investigation into the controversial missing beche-de-mer consignment has not answered the many questions surrounding the saga. Even in parliament yesterday morning, the Minister of Fisheries and the Prime Minister dodged the many questions raised…

Five charged over Karaina arson

FIVE men have been arrested and charged for the recent riot and burning down of houses at Karaina Settlement at White River, West Honiara. A remand application was made on Saturday for David Dawea Lakwolly, Erick Domo, David Danny Rabei, John Metua and Gilbert Atisa Mweela in the Honiara Magistrate Court. The men aged between…

Church to conduct health forum

SOUTH Seas Evangelical Church (SSEC) will be hosting a five-day community health development forum next week at Kobito, east Honiara. The forum will be opened by the church’s community health development team. Twenty participants from the church’s Honiara and Western regions are expected to attend. SSEC national coordinator of community health development Joash Indu said…

Vandals damage new city water bore-hole

THE Japanese Government funded multi-million dollar water project for Honiara is yet to be handed over to Solomon Water, but vandals were already at work. Last week, some people caused significant damages to one of the bore-holes at Borderline, east Honiara. The Borderline bore-hole was one of 16 built under the project to meet Honiara’s…

Police on prostitution

POLICE on Tuesday confirmed receiving numerous reports of prostitution in Honiara. But they say unless witnesses are available and sufficient evidences provided, it would be difficult to prosecute. The Police Media Unit made the clarification following numerous reports of local girls being involved in prostitution (having sex in exchange for money) here in Honiara. Reports…

Peseika hits out at Tango claims

RENBEL premier Johnstone Timothy Peseika has called on ousted premier Lence Tango to stop trying to use national institutions and national leaders in a “foolish attempt” to hang on to power. In a statement, Mr Peseika said he was disturbed by claims Mr Tango made in public meetings he is holding in Renbel that the…

Tango refutes reports

OUSTED Renbel premier Lence Tango has rejected reports claiming his current trip to the province is being backed by national leaders. He said he never mentioned in his meetings with the people of Renbel that his current trip to the province is being backed by the prime minister, his deputy, provincial government minister, and the…

Telekom launches 11th tower in Malaita

BETHEL community in East Fataleka, Malaita Province, is the latest community to “feel the breeze” after Our Telekom launched its 11th mobile phone tower, Monday. Our Telekom’s security officer at Bethel George Geo said that the day was fun-filled as people enjoyed themselves. There were sports activities organised by Our Telekom for the communities to…