Govt to financially support students

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has assured our students overseas that the government will provide financial assistance to ensure their safety and comfort in their host countries amidst the current Covid-19 global pandemic. Mr. Sogavare further assured parents that the government is in active contact with host governments as well our diplomatic missions overseas to monitor…

Solomon Water assures clients

SOLOMON Water says it will continue to provide safe clean water and other related services to our valued customers in the midst of the coronavirus threat. The assurance, which Solomon Water says was part of its Business Continuity Planning, goes to customers in Honiara, Auki, Tulagi and Noro. “As an essential service provider, our critical…

BSP: no closure of Kira Kira agency

Bank South Pacific (BSP) is not considering any move to close its agency in Kira Kira, Makira Ulawa Province.  Country Head for BSP Solomon Islands David Anderson made the response following an article in this paper on Thursday 26th March which reported the Kira Kira agency is facing closure. “I categorically deny BSP is considering…

Air Nauru’s stopover clarified

THE arrival of an Air Nauru flight into Honiara international airport over the weekend is to get fuel. A government official made the clarification following concerns raised by a number of Honiara residents as to why an aircraft arrived on Saturday following the order issued by Prime Minister Manasseh Sgovare to close international flight services…

‘Give right info to medical officers’

MEMBERS of the public must provide important and accurate information to health workers when they are feeling unwell. A medical officer at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) made the advice via social media following an incident over the weekend. The incident involved a patient who was feeling unwell and was taken to the NRH Outpatient…

Gov’t consults on stimulus package

GOVERNMENT authorities are currently consulting private sector representatives to put together a stimulus package to relieve any serious impacts on the national economy in view of the current Covid-19 pandemic worldwide. Currently, the Minister of Finance and Treasury Harry Kuma is also leading discussions with our development and multilateral partners on this issue and so…

Escapees poised to take pleas

THE case of the three recaptured prisoners accused of escaping from Rove prison last December has been adjourned for possible plea next week. The matter of Frank Firimolea, Dilo Faiga, and Willie Olo who faces a charge of escaping lawful custody was listed for plea last Friday. However, Faiga’s lawyer Lazarus Waroka of Public Solicitor’s…