Police dismiss media reports

POLICE on Wednesday dismissed media reports alleging that Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) removed some personal items from the 29 Bougainvilleans who were intercepted and taken into custody near Vella la Vella Island last week. “The the reports are false, nothing less, nothing more,” a statement police issued yesterday said. “When police arrested the men,…

In court with Assumpta Buchanan

* Lawyers summoned to explain delay* Bank robbery cases before court March 5* Court grants final adjournment   Lawyers summoned to explain delay TWO senior lawyers from the Public Solicitor’s Office have been ordered to attend court today and explain the delay in allocating a lawyer for one of the three men facing false pretence and…

Sustaining peace and stability

Prime Minister RICK HOUENIPWELA delivered this speech on Wednesday at the launch of a new peacebuilding programme supported by the UN Peacebuilding Fun:   I AM honored to have been invited to address you and to officially launch this new peacebuilding programme supported by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. Sustaining peace and stability is the priority…

A tribute to Sean Dorney

AS Sean Dorney pointed out, it’s not usual for journalists to be surrounded by people saying nice things about them. But on Saturday night in Brisbane, 150 people got together to do just that. In response to the announcement that he has been diagnosed with motor neurone disease, friends, colleagues and former rivals came together…


Prominent businessman survives knife attack By LESLEY SANGA  POLICE are now hunting down men who attacked prominent Honiara businessman John Lee during an attempted robbery at Point Cruz, 7.30am on Wednesday. Mr Lee, who owns Lee Kwok Quen Company, was about to enter the gates of his business premises when a man emerged from a…

UDP refutes report

General Secretary of the United Democratic Party (UDP) Barnabas Henson has refuted the Island Sun front-page article on Tuesday which he described as erroneously implied that parliamentary members of the party are part of a UDP-Kadere alliance faction within Solomon Islands Democratic Coalition for Change Government. In a statement Mr Henson said the implication is…

Two primary schools sign grant contract

TWO primary schools have signed SBD$1.3 million grant contract for the construction of their classroom buildings with the Japanese government at the Japan Embassy on Tuesday. They are Ulunga in North West Malaita and Peava primary school in Marovo Lagoon, Western province. Under the grant contract Ulunga primary receives SBD$690,000 while Peava school receives SBD$630,000.…


Kindergarten fights to stay open By LESLEY SANGA A KINDERGARTEN with more than 70 students in west Honiara is fighting to stay open following a dispute with a private education authority. Kids’ Home Kindergarten at Raffle Range has been operating under the Tamlan Education Authority since 2014. But last Friday, Tamlan Education Authority issued the…

In Parliament today

As set out in the Provisional Order Paper for today, Wednesday 28th February 2018:  Parliament will begin with prayers, followed by: Presentation of Papers and of Reports and Bills first reading PRESENTATION OF PAPERS AND OF REPORTS  By Mr. Ajilon Jasper Nasiu, Speaker of National Parliament:  Report of the Auditor-General of the Solomon Islands on…

Police chief visits Noro

POLICE Commissioner Matthew Varley yesterday took time out to visit Noro town in the Western Province. A statement from the Police Media Unit said, the visit was to brief the Noro Town Leaders and members of the community on the facts and findings of the police investigation into the accidental death of a young man…