Telekom explains network failure

LACK of sun during wet weather can also interfere with the communication network in parts of the country because some of the mobile towers are solar powered. The explaination was made by Our Telekom following concerns from customers in West Makira about their network which is not working properly. A rep from the community there…

Police urged to introduce night patrols

A concern man from Vatualae in east Guadalcanal is appealing to police officers to step up their work by increasing night patrols. Mr Henry Petsakibo said the work of the police is to provide good security for the public so that people are living without fear. He claimed that in Honiara people are moving around…

UN hopes to wipe out AIDS

Global AIDS-related deaths and new HIV infections have fallen by more than a third in a decade, the United Nations says as it voiced hope of wiping out the killer disease. The global effort to beat the pandemic has made huge strides, though the battle is far from over with 35 million people still living…

World Bank Group to help in WTO trade facilitation agreement

The World Bank Group yesterday launched a new program which will help developing countries reduce costs and improve speed and efficiency of trade at their borders by simplifying their customs procedures. The Trade Facilitation Support Program, supported by Australia, the European Union, the United States, Canada, Norway and Switzerland, will make US$30 million available in…

SICCI explains awards

 Following the number of enquiries being received at the Solomon Islands chamber of commerce and industry (SICCI) office concerning awards and award categories, the chamber has came out to inform the nine awards on offer. Two of the awards, Business Woman of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year are individual awards. Only women and…

Call to explain government’s budget

The Government’s low revenue intake for 2014 first quarter has raised serious concerns that seek explanation from the ministry of finance and treasury. It was revealed the government revenue for the first quarter has not even hit half the budgeted figure which raised serious concerns. The Malaita Ma’asina Forum (MMF) technical head Martin Housanau calls…

Suspect arrested for attempted rape

A fifty-six year old man has been arrested at the Henderson market area, east Honiara for an attempted rape on a seven year old girl on Tuesday evening. The alleged incident occurred between 7-8pm on Tuesday 15th July. Police said the suspect has been arrested and now is remanded in police custody awaiting his court…

Festival kicks off today

The much awaited 2014 Aquilla Talasasa festival will officially open today at the Kennedy stadium in Gizo. Solomon Island Visitors Bureau (SIVB), Prime Minister Office (PMO) and Bowmans Ltd are the major sponsors of this festival. Kawea Tiroia, festival coordinator told the Solomon Star in Gizo on Tuesday that the festival is being organized at…

SIVB supports festival

The Solomon Island Visitors Bureau (SIVB) on Tuesday handed over a cheaque of $15, 000  to the organisers of the 2014 Aquila Talasasa festival set to start today in Gizo. SIVB event organize officer Stella Lucas handed over the cheaqu to the organizing committee saying, the money is to support the committee organize the event.…