Fatal ‘traffic case’ at the Supreme Casino in Honiara is now a ‘criminal case’ according to police, investigation underway POLICE are now treating the fatal ‘traffic case’ that claimed the life of a girl at the Supreme Casino in Central Honiara as a criminal case and the matter is now investigated by crime investigators at…

Former GP premier passes on

FORMER Guadalcanal Province (GP) Premier Stephen Panga has passed away in Honiara last weekend. A statement issued by his immediate family members and relatives yesterday confirmed his passing. “On behalf of the immediate family at Matanga village, North Guadalcanal to all family relatives, friends, work colleagues both former and current at both private and Government…

Lack of action by WDA in WP

THERE has been little progress in the implementation of Ward Development Funds (WDF) projects in Western Province since the revised budget was passed last year. And this raised concerns amongst some of the Members of the Provincial Assembly (MPA). The legal groundwork and the approval of the Western Province Assembly was made during its March…